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Help overclocking GPU


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Ok, let me try to rephrase, maybe I overcomplicated my question previously.


My vidceocard overclock becomes unstable as soon as I overclock my CPU.


Can you help me?

Edited by TheGuide

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You might need to share more details of what's happening and what you're doing, and what your experience is in overclocking.


Thanks for the reply!


I am using 9500GT. My GPU overclock is stable at 660MHz (up from 550MHz stock) as long as I don't overclock the CPU (Q8300). When I say stable I mean no artifacts, crashes or BSOD's for several weeks playing various games (COD, Fallout New Vegas, etc).


Then I began overclocking the CPU. I set my GPU back to it's stock clock and got a stable CPU overclock of 3.0GHz (up from 2.5GHz). The CPU overclock is also stable (ie Prime95 at 10hrs no errors, OCCT).


Once I had verified that the CPU oc was stable, I cranked my GPU back up to it's previous stable overclock of 660MHz, only to find that the nVidia drivers would quit working immediately. The drivers would recover only to then crash again, going into a "loop" that would ultimately result in a BSOD. I tried a more conservative overclock of 580MHz but it would merely take the drivers a little longer to quit working. At least I had time to clock the GPU back to it's stock 550MHz so I didn;t get a BSOD again.


Sorry, the forum isn't allowing me to post my sig as i don't have enough posts yet (?).


GA-G31M-ES2l . Q8300@3GHz w/Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus . 9500GT w/ Arctic Cooling Accelero S2 VGA Cooler (Passive) . 4GB DDR2-800 5-5-5-15 . WD320GB Caviar Blue . Asus DRW-24B1ST . Antec CP-850 Quad Rail PSU . Antec P182SE . Samsung PX2370 . Windows 7

Edited by TheGuide

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Interesting. I'm not sure what the problem might be. Is your motherboard's BIOS up-to-date and your Nvidia drivers?


Did you also overclock your GPU shaders and memory?


Hm, yes I am using the latest nVidia drivers but not the latest BIOS version for my mobo. I'll try flashing the BIOS and see if that does anything for me. I did not overclock shaders or memory.

Edited by TheGuide

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I flashed to the latest BIOS (F10) but the problem remains. Once I hit 580MHz (up 30 from stock), the nvidia display driver quits working. As long as I stay below that it seems to be fine. Once I clock the CPU back to it's clock speed, I can oc the vidcard back up to 660MHz.


Just to see what happens, I overclocked the CPU by the smallest possible increment, 10MHz and the same thing happened again when I oc'd the vidcard: the display drivers quit working... :dunno:

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That is an odd issue.


Are you using MSI Afterburner to Overclock the GPU?


If so what are your temps when it becomes unstable?


Is it possible that when you Overclock your CPU it's trying to push more or put more strain on your GPU? (I have no clue if the system would do or works like this.)

Have you tried getting your CPU to a stable Speed and then steadily upped the GPU?

(If you said you did this above I missed it.)


Maybe when you Overclock the CPU your getting more heat in the case and your GPU is not staying as cool.


Personally I would just start over.. Overclock the CPU to stable and then Overclock the GPU to where its stable and go from there.



You know I just though maybe what is happening is while your GPU is overclocked its pushing out more heat and going right to the CPU.

So when you overclock the CPU your actually getting an unstable Overclock on the CPU from the heat when your video card is being used.


Hrmm.. did that make sense? I think it might be a heat issue. Which is why you cant use your Best OC on the CPU and best OC on the GPU.


They need to be overclocked together because your variables are changing.


edit edit:

Reason I think this is because you said you overclocked the GPU. Got a Max Overclock number.

Then you set the GPU back to Stock.


Then you overclocked the CPU. Got a Max Overclock Number.


Then you re-overclocked the GPU to the Max Overclock Number you had when your CPU was NOT overclocked.


So your Overclocks do not factor in the new variables like heat n such because they are based on each other being stock.

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That is an odd issue.


Are you using MSI Afterburner to Overclock the GPU?


If so what are your temps when it becomes unstable?


Is it possible that when you Overclock your CPU it's trying to push more or put more strain on your GPU? (I have no clue if the system would do or works like this.)

Have you tried getting your CPU to a stable Speed and then steadily upped the GPU?

(If you said you did this above I missed it.)


Maybe when you Overclock the CPU your getting more heat in the case and your GPU is not staying as cool.


Personally I would just start over.. Overclock the CPU to stable and then Overclock the GPU to where its stable and go from there.


Yes, I am using MSI Afterburner...


All my temps are fine, ie GPU 40 load, CPU 50 load.


In that sense, I did start over as in that I made sure that the CPU was stable (Prime95 10hrs+, OCCT, several weeks of running oc'd with no problems) before overclocking the GPU again (ie 560 then run MSI Kombustor, 570 then run MSI Kombustor, 580 run Kombustor then crash). I didn't explicitely state it, I figured it was implied.


I've decided to get a 5870 (probably today), but I'd still like to get to the bottom of this, just because I don't like unsolved mysteries.


I'm guessing it's something in my BIOS settings or perhaps even just a motherboard specific quirk.


It'll be interesting to see what happens when I start oc'ing the 5870.


EDIT: I see your point what you're saying about introducing new variables although I am ruling out heat as I keep a close eye on all my temps.


EDIT 2: My GPU temp is 36 when the drivers crash - far from the temps I've reached at my mac OC of 660. We're talking the crash occurs within seconds of hitting 580.

Edited by TheGuide

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odd.. the only other thing I could think about would be for whatever reason you might be losing voltage to the video card causing it crash on the OC.


I seen you had an 800+ watt PSU. Not sure maybe while the CPU is OCed the voltage going to the Video card either though the PCI-e Slot or Cable is being strangled.

That a long shot I know, but you never know.


You have an odd issue on your hands.


speaking of voltage, can you bump up the voltage on the cpu or gpu in your bios? If so I would try.

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