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Overclocking Phenom 920 Quad

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It could very well be doing so. Turn your ram down to a low setting. Like 400 or something. And see if the system is just as unstable. Careful with RAM voltage though, you don't want to increase it too much. But yeah with 1.5 volts on the core you should be getting much bigger numbers than 227. Is 227 stable in Prime95?


And make sure your timings aren't out of wack. When I set my RAM to lower speed for more stability, my motherboard automatically shortened my timings, which caused more instability.


Edit: Download and install CPUID CPU Z. It helps moniter a lot of computer specs and is very useful for RAM. Here's a screenshot of mine:




See where it says that my DRAM is 661mhz? Well you take that number and multiply it by 2 to get the whole RAM frequency. Mine is 661 x 2= 1322. Make sure yours says 380 or somewhere around there before downclocking the RAM. Oh and the numbers bellow are the timings.


Thanks for the advice, should I get the timings you have or should I search the internet for some according to my ram. Here is the pic of cpu-z. Also to add 227fsb is really stable in prime95. I ran it for about an hour. You have been a big help so far dude



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It could very well be doing so. Turn your ram down to a low setting. Like 400 or something. And see if the system is just as unstable. Careful with RAM voltage though, you don't want to increase it too much. But yeah with 1.5 volts on the core you should be getting much bigger numbers than 227. Is 227 stable in Prime95?


And make sure your timings aren't out of wack. When I set my RAM to lower speed for more stability, my motherboard automatically shortened my timings, which caused more instability.


Edit: Download and install CPUID CPU Z. It helps moniter a lot of computer specs and is very useful for RAM. Here's a screenshot of mine:




See where it says that my DRAM is 661mhz? Well you take that number and multiply it by 2 to get the whole RAM frequency. Mine is 661 x 2= 1322. Make sure yours says 380 or somewhere around there before downclocking the RAM. Oh and the numbers bellow are the timings.


ok this is all I have in my bios right now for the dram frequency. The lowest is 767 and it wont go anymore under.




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Wow hmmm... I don't know what to tell you. Everything seems alright. Okay so Here are some things you can try. First adjust your CPU/NB frequency so it's a little higher. Try 2100 or even try setting it to the default. The other thing you can try is adjusting your timings. It looks like you have 5-5-5-15. Try 6-6-6-18. But try the CPU/NB thing first. And no problem I'm just trying to help! I have to go so I can't look into it much now but I'll try and figure out what's wrong if those things don't work. I don't think your CPU is maxing out at 3.2 ghz.

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Wow hmmm... I don't know what to tell you. Everything seems alright. Okay so Here are some things you can try. First adjust your CPU/NB frequency so it's a little higher. Try 2100 or even try setting it to the default. The other thing you can try is adjusting your timings. It looks like you have 5-5-5-15. Try 6-6-6-18. But try the CPU/NB thing first. And no problem I'm just trying to help! I have to go so I can't look into it much now but I'll try and figure out what's wrong if those things don't work. I don't think your CPU is maxing out at 3.2 ghz.

Just tried all the things you just told me and no luck. I just cant understand what is going on here. It perfectly stable at about 3.17 with 227FSB. I mean Perfect, but after that i raise the FSB to 230 and the voltage a tad and nogo. I tried it with the cpu/nb and the timings also that you told me. Its . me off

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Try Lowering your HT Link then. Lower it to 1.6ghz, 1.4ghz, and 1.2 ghz and see if that's the culprit. Shoot I can't think of anything else. I don't think your RAM should make it that unstable that fast. Do you have any other sticks of RAM you can use to compare results with?

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Try Lowering your HT Link then. Lower it to 1.6ghz, 1.4ghz, and 1.2 ghz and see if that's the culprit. Shoot I can't think of anything else. I don't think your RAM should make it that unstable that fast. Do you have any other sticks of RAM you can use to compare results with?

No just have 4gb 1gb sticks of it. Ill try the HT LINK I leave everything Like I have in the picture and try it out. Thanks

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oh...you shouldn't be having any problems then, the ram looks to be underclocked (good thing for now) and the HT is at about the right speed.


I'm not understanding why it's being difficult. have you tried going to 230 bclock and lowering the main CPU multiplier?? If it's stable than you know the CPU probably needs more power.


If it's not stable with the lower CPU freq, than your motherboard is a fault

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