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i think my e6850 is a dud


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Ok, Its been a long night and I will now post my final OC data. This was a tough CPU to overclock. The limit though has been officially pushed as I am WAY over any factory recommended voltage and going much further threatens the chips life indefinitely. I wanted to make it to 4ghz badly. But I thought to myself... Whats 100 mhz really going to do. This is one hour occt stable and Firmly belive it can make the 24 hour runs and the Infamous OCCT linpak Hour test. But hey, its oc'ed. And it runs A heck of a lot better. And the Grim reaper in the Background is more then fitting.


CPU final clock speed 3.9015Ghz

Cpu Multiplier: 9x

CPU core voltage Bios: 1.650v

CPU core voltage CPUID: 1.600v

CPU FSB: 1.550v

nForce SPP (NB): 1.550v

NF200 Chip: 1.450v

FSB memory link: Unlinked

FSB memory Ratio: auto

FSB (QDR): 1734.0

Memory clock 1067.0

Memory timings: 5-5-5-12

Memory command rate: 2T

Memory voltage: 2.100v

CPU LDT frequency: 4x

GTL voltage reference 0-3 lanes: all set to 0.00mv




I thought about Putting this up on the Socket 775 competition thread. I hate to say it bishop but that is your job as it is your rig. Claim your place on the leader board. :P


And here are the OCCT Core Data prints in case anyone doubts.


Edited by boinker
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lol maybe but I may tinker and try to squeeze 4.0 out of it hehe if I smoke it it's my fault not yours so no worries unless I kill your ram then big worries. I will be trying to oc the vid card alot if you haven't done so yet though also.

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You have my permission to smoke it. DDR2 is not that expensive. And at some places you can still get mushkin redline 1000 so I don't care. Worst case scenario I can get El cheapo 1066 and put my Boinkfactor coolers on it.

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