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Motherboard shutting off before temperture point

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Hello guys I am completely new to overclock. I do however try and learn as much as possible before attempting to overclock and I have been pretty successful I think


I have a Biostar TA785G3HD motherboard with an Athlon II x4 640 processor. It's stock speed is 3000 mhz. I got it to 3345 mhz stable on Prime 95 with temps of 15-52. So after a lot of research I decided to raise the core voltage. I raised it by .1 volts. I can now get it to run prime 95 for about 5 minutes or so, but then the temperature starts getting a little high. Once it reached 61 degrees, the computer shut down. I'm pretty sure that it didn't crash. I set up the BIOS so that the motherboard would shut down once it reached 70 degrees. What's the deal? I'm using the program Core Temp. Is my motherboard acting up or is it the program that is inaccurate?

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I need some advil today


whatever you did in the bios or any program to turn the computer off at 70 undo it

run the computer normally, put it on load and watch the temperatures


do you have an aftermarket heatsink?

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Oh okay I see. No I have a stock Cooler as of now. I'm getting a COOLER MASTER Hyper 212 Plus in the mail but I wanted to see how good of an overclock I can get with a stock cooler. I'll turn off the setting in the BIOS but don't you think that's dangerous? I don't know I'm still a little nooby lol.

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Isn't 62 degrees the limit for thermal melt-down for that chip? I would redo your research about that chip. I have had a phenom 2 x4 940 and 965 and they both would shut themselves down @ 62c. I really have my doubts that this atlon II is an exception. Aside of that when I overclocked AMD stuff if you could keep the temperature below 50 they overclock very easily and don't need extra voltage until about 3.8-4 ghz.


By the way Potatochobit. could you please pronounce your name. Im done trying to figure it out.



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Okay so I have a stable enough overclock at 3450 mhz so I will keep it this way. It's stable at 3.5 ghz with prime95 but then if I use furmark, both my video card and cpu start getting hotter(Over 60 degrees). So I will keep it at this, thanks for all the advice potatochobit! And boinker I have searched and in serveral places it said that my safe zone was until 70 degrees. Regardless I will try not to reach that point. And thanks for the advice!

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