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Pagefile move woes


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just got a samsung F3, and decided to create a 30GB partition for my pagefile and various other temp files, with the rest of the drive left for storage.


i previously had my pagefile on a seperate storage drive, although not on its own partition, so i figured that if i disabled the pagefile on that drive, set the pagefile on the new partition and restarted i would have no problem, however windows now gives me an error stating that (not exact wording) "there has been a problem with the pagefile settings on startup, so windows has set up a temporary one". i get this message every time i restart.


i can set my pagefile on C, disable it altogether, or put it back on my older storage drive, but the F3 is easily the fastest drive i have, and of course i'm also annoyed that my system won't do what i tell it to!


any ideas?

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Can you set the page file on your system drive to the absolute minimum and simultaneouslt enable it on the F3?

yeah i tried this, and the error went away, but the total available pagefile was only 16MB (the allocation on C) despite the 6142MB allocation on the F3 still showing on the list.


win7 by the way.

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okay for the sake of googlers and OCCers alike:


problem turned out to be the drive letter. i had the pagefile on A:/ and removing the PF and changing the drive letter of my pagefile partition solved the problem. i assume this happened because A and B are still reserved for floppy drives? surprising to me, because not only are floppy drives past obsolete, but win7 didn't throw up any warnings about putting a pagefile on A:/ nor of course setting that drive letter in the first place.


wierd, but sorted, cheers for the responses ebarone!

Edited by psycho_terror

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