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Redoing my WC loop


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I plan on redoing my loop in hopes to find a spot for my pump where it won't bump into my video card and block the side panel from closing. How much tubing should I buy? And does the pump really have to be the lowest point, or can I stick it in my 5.25" bays?

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Whenever I redo my loop I usually go with 8-10ft of tubing, because it sux to run short, and you can always reuse any left over later! I have a Liang D5, and when I had my WC loop in my Antec 1200, I looked into installing it in one of the lower 5.25" bays, but it just wouldn't work with the tubing for me. But, if you can get it figured out then why not! The main thing you want is your res at a higher point if possible. The general rule to make life easier on your pump is having your res higher. But, really with a strong pump in a smaller loop, it probably won't affect that much.

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I have an mcp-655-b pump, 120x2 rad, and t-line for a cpu only loop. You think it's got the power to be in a drive bay, or am I going to have to mod my case?



Your pump is the same as mine, just rebranded by swiftech ;) You shld be fine putting it into a drive bay. You don't have a res, but i am assuming that your T-line fill port is at the top of your case, correct? I really don't think you will have any problems, our pumps are pretty strong!

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Yea, I feel the same way you do on the wiring. I just bought a U2-UFO from ccokeman and slammed everything in there real quick just to get ready for the forum wars in Feb. I have alot of work to do once I get the time when it comes to making my build into a finished project. But, I can't wait to turn the beast into a beauty ;)


Tubing doesn't look bad at all for that price! You will be very happy with those fans, and the 37db is amazing with that kind of cfm :thumbsup: I would stay away from any coolant or dye, just gets all over the inside of your rad and other components making it much harder to clean when you flush your loop. I suggest if you want to add color, go with colored tubing, but of course it won't be the same price per foot :cry: If you still have the headroom for the tubing coming out of the 5.25" bay with the extra height from the gel block, then your good! But, if space is an issue, I just use velcro on the bottom of my pump ;)


edit: also don't forget the PT Nuke unless you already have it.

Edited by SpeedwayNative

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Great, thank you so much for all the info. I hope I have room for the gel block, 2 of my 5 drive bays are taken. This case has been causing me a lot of trouble ever since those bigger video cards came out. :( Is the colored tubing still slightly see-through? I have a t-line, so if it's completely opaque, there's no way for me to know the water levels, which probably won't be very good in the long run. I'll just stick with straight distilled, clear tubes, and PT nuke, just the way I have it now I think.

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