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BSOD Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal


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I've been getting BSOD's overnight with the error Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal. I know that this error is indicative of an unstable OC, but the weird thing is that it only ever happens when I'm away from the computer for a while, like when Im asleep, or at school. It never crashes when Im using it. I have folding running in smp mode, so all cores are at 100% at all times, so load levels cant be whats causing it. Does anybody have any idea whats going on?


Phenom 2 1090T BE @ 18.5multi * 219 fsb = 4051Mhz

HT Link speed 1971Mhz

NB Freq 2190Mhz

CPU VDD - 1.45

NB VDD - 1.1

CPU Load temp 37c

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Memtest will only find if the memory module is good or not, it won't account for how stable it is with CPU/Memory overclocks. Run 10 iterations of IntelBurnTest on the maximum settings testing all your available memory.

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that succeeded in making it considerably worse. it got through 1 iteration and then during the second one the system went down. nothing on the screen, just black. Fans were at full and the power and reset buttons didnt work. had to pull the cord out of the psu. Took the side off and inspected it. Couldnt see any damage. Plugged it back in and turned it on, all fans immediately went to 100% and on the back of my graphics card the led's that go on when I hit reset were all on solid. Shut it off, took out 1 dimm, tried again nothing. took out the other. same, took out both, same. cleared cmos, same.


Does it sound like I blew the ram? or do you think its something else?

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Sorry Savan! Take out the video card and use your onboard video if you have it. If not, keep the video card installed and use only 1 RAM module to see if you boot to BIOS. If you don't, keep trying with a different RAM module. If you do get in there, test the other RAM modules, maybe 1 did go down. If you can't get to BIOS, you might have damaged your video card (I hope not), and you might want to swap it out with on older card. If that still doesn't work, it might be your motherboard or PSU.

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I took out the graphics card, and plugged in to the on board graphics. I tried both dimm's in both dimm slots that I can access (cpu cooler blocks 2) didnt change anything, and the power buttons still dont do anything

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