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Real life stats


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Anyone else wish that life had stats?

You could somehow look up how much time you've spent on toilet? how many animals have you eaten meat from?

How many hours have you spent sleeping in school?


Think it that would be pretty interesting eh? :biggrin:

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Life has got stats, however, it is using old drivers, so you have to manually list them.

The data is all there, how much money you've got, your education level, and so forth. You just have to compile the list yourself.

There are, however, newer drivers available which have got automatical stats, so if you'd like to use those, you can change server. I heard 308x.3j uses the newest ones. Pretty sweet stuff. :)


ps. Just remember that once you change server, you will lose all progress in this one. ds.

Edited by Kennie

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anyone else wish that life had stats?

You could somehow look up how much time you've spent on toilet? how many animals have you eaten meat from?

How many hours have you spent sleeping in school?


Think it that would be pretty interesting eh? :biggrin:





I love eating animals



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