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Amd Athlon 2000+ Xp Overclocking Help


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I have a,

amd athlon xp 2000+

msi kt6-delta motherboard

2x 256mb DIMM DDR

pny geforce fx 5200 agp 8x

60gb hard drive


With my motherboard I got a program called corecenter that displays my CPU temp and what speed it is at, I also noticed that it gives you the option to increase or decrease the FSB MHz settings. It is currently at 133 MHz and my CPU runs between 49-55c (temp) speeds at 1667 MHz

I was wondering what is the max it is recommended to raise my FSB settings to so that I can increase my CPU speed, also is my CPU temp a bit to high at the moment.

I have the standard fan from amd

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Well, I wouldn't try to go too far on the stock cooling. But anyway, you'll have better luck overclocking if you use your bios instead of corecenter. How high you want to go depends on your ram...what kind of ram do you have?

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I was wondering what is the max it is recommended to raise my FSB settings to so that I can increase my CPU speed,

Each system is different. The max OC depends on everything inside the system, and the quality of everything inside the system. Only way to find out what the max is, would be trial and error.


Keep raising the FSB a little at a time till the system crashes or no longer boots, then you know what the max is.


Let's not be posting the same message multiple times. :angry:

Edited by d3bruts1d

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