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MSI P35 platinum


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Hi all,


Basically,i won said mobo off ebay and i was initially pleased with it.However im starting to think it was a bad purchase cos it just cant hold any OC i put on it.My previous board(Gigabyte Ep31 Ds3l) could easily hit 3.8ghz with 1.3 vcore but this board craps out with even 3ghz.Its like i set the fsb to 240,which gives me 3ghz,save and exit and it all seems fine for a while,i even encoded several AVI's and there was no problem.But every now and again the PC will fail to boot and it will say 'overclocking failed' so i go back into the bios give the chip and NB some more juice,boots fine then messes up again blah blah.Am i doing something wrong or was it a bad purchase? Bios is latest version all other components are in my sig.

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Have you done any stability testing? Just because your CPU can go a certain speed doesn't mean your new board can run it exactly the same without any tweaking...

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Actually,i think ive found the root of the problem.I recently had Ati tray tools installed and i clocked my memory way down.Everything seemed fine for a while but i suddenly started getting random Bsod's and during the last one i noticed 'ati kmv' or something like that and then.....ding! Problem solved.

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