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Sapphire HD5850 1Gb DDR5 Overclock

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I try to overclock this baby, but the maximum I can get before the drivers crash and shoot a BSOD is : 775Mhz on core and 1150Mhz on memory.


In the review of the same card on this website they cranked it up to a nice 870Mhz on core and 1225Mhz on memory.


When I go at 1225Mhz on memory I got huge artifacts showing up and there is no way I can modify the voltage on the card.


My card doesn't look like the one reviewed here, I included a picture of my card.


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Not all graphic cards overclock the same,there is no 100% chance,and buy the looks of ur card its not the reference,so no voltage tweak,the card thats was reviewed here was reference.

Here is one of the reviews from new egg he was able to Oc it to 865/1350,not all cards overclock the same always remember that.

(Pros: My first ATI card since 1900XT. Always been a Nvidia fan, but no longer. Long live ATI. It looks so much better than my GTX 280. People have been telling me for years Nvidia usually performs better but ATI looks better. And now that I see the difference for myself. I dont care if Nvidia comes out with a faster card Im sticking with ATI. And it OC like crazy. Stock is 700 / 1000, stock 5870 is 850 / 1250, I have mine at 865 / 1350. I just did it with no crying about it. On air, no extra volts, fan speed only at 50%, max temp is 70c. And I know for sure this thing will go higher. I love you ATI.


Cons: None


Other Thoughts: Dont OC with ATI control panel, Riva tuner, or ATI tool. Use AMD GPU clock tool to OC, MSI after burn for fan control, and Unigine Heaven to stress test. Have fun!!!)

Here the link to the reviews http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductReview.aspx?Item=N82E16814102884

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Not all cards are going to OC to the same limits much like CPU's. Use MSI afterburner 1.6 to overclock your card voltage control may have to be enabled in the settings if the card is capable of it.

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