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Best CPU Cooler under 150mm that will fit in an Azza Solano

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Will be overclocking a Phenom II 955


From what I understand, the cooler's total height can't be more than 150mm with the side fan in the Azza Solano


I know there's a mod to put the fan on the outside, but I really don't want to do it personally.


The only good contenders I've found so far are the Zalman CNPS9700 LED, the Scythe SCSMZ-2000, and the Cooler Master GeminII S


I just want the highest CFMs that will fit in the case for under $60

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Unfortunately not. They are both 158mm, as is the Megahalems. Noctua and Prolimatech do do a couple of lower profile HSFs designed more for lower profile boxes though.


The Scythe Mugen 2 Rev B is a good performer and would fit and cheap to boot. Newegg have it listed here.


Actually Im not sure it would fit now that I look at it again. Reapers suggestion I think is much better.

Edited by dihartnell

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