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If i overclock my cpu..are my motherboard,,my power supply,,my RAM and my graphic card also will be hot? :rolleyes:


And how about if i overclock my graphic card..what will be hot?



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It depends a lot on your specific setup. Case design and cooling, voltages used, your specific motherboard and CPU, stock or aftermarket cooler etc all play a part. Would help if you list your the parts of your rig so we can give you better advice.


generally speaking, overclocking CPU will generate more heat on the CPU and a little more on the motherboard chipsets, depending on how much voltage used. That in itself wont make too much difference to the rest of the system.


Overclocking the GPU will heat up it up and depending on the particular card may increase the ambient air temp inside the case. Good Airflow coming in and out of the case is very important to manage temps.

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Overclocking any component will cause additional thermal load. No way around it. And when you overclock your components, power usage will increase also - which could lead to higher power supply temperatures. Not as an insult but that is a fairly simplistic question to a much more technical process known as overclocking. My best suggestion for you is to thoroughly read, research and learn about overclocking before attempting to overclock any of your components.


The real question shouldn't be whether overclocking will increase component temperature, but how well do your current cooling strategies help to mitigate the higher temperatures. As Di pointed out, if you'd list your components that would be a good start.

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I always get my case open..my room temperature is always 27-30C..i use normal CPU fan that given

when i buy processors.


Can I overclock my CPU or my graphic card?


Or i must upgrade my computer first...?


I use AMD Athlon 64 x2 6000 3.0 Ghz

Kingston 2GB DDR2 800 Mhz

Gigabyte M61PME-S2P(rev 1.3) motherboard

MSI N250GTS Twin Frozr 1G OC

Gigabyte Superb Power GE-R460-V1 power supply

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