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i7-920 overclock help needed

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Hello everybody !


I am new to your forums, but I'm really need help.

I am totally noob at overclocking and my knowledge about overclocking is very low.



I got an

i7 920 CPU

ASUS P6T SE motherboard

6GB A-DATA 1600mhz DDR3

and XIGMATEK dark knight cooler for my CPU


all I want to do is to overclock my CPU to 3.0ghz and not more. SO far in the BIOS I changed my bclk to 150,all the other stuff and voltage set to AUTO.

Is that damages my cpu or its not supposed to ?



Thats what I got so far by setting the bclk to 150 and all the rest to auto



Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Is there any other values that I should change or what voltage should I set ?? If yes, please tell me what should I put

I'd appreciate any help , thanks in advance.

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Well, you said 3.0GHz and no more, but your screenshot has your i7 @ 3.15GHz :) Either way though this is a small OverClock, you when it comes to your voltages, you should be fine with leaving them on auto! On a minor OC like this, you really don't have to change any values in the BIOS. Your i7 will be fine at the stock(auto) voltages! Since your new, then the best advice I can give about how damage happens to you cpu, is with heat! If and when you ever do want to OC your i7 higher, then upping the voltages will help you achieve higher OverClocks! But, it will also raise your temps, so you should always pay the most attention to what temps your i7 is running @. Because, if your temps get to high, this is an easy way of damaging your cpu!


Your idle temps are just over 40C it looks like from your screenshot. This is fine, a little high for my liking, but there will be no damage caused from that. I am going to assume you are using the stock intel cooler on your i7, and like I said your temps are fine, but if you decide to get an aftermarket cooler, you will see those temps go down! With my H50 on my i7 930 when I have it overclocked to 3.4GHz I run about 34C on idle, mid 60s on load, to give you an idea what a good aftermarket cooler can do!


Welcome to the world of computer tweaking, it's very addicting :)

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Hello SpeedwayNative !

Thank you for your responce.




I cleaned up my CPU Fan and thats what I get after two hours of playing bad company 2, so I think it works pretty good. Im thinking about bringing the bclk up to 160.




Uploaded with ImageShack.us




Thank you again.

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Welcome to the world of computer tweaking, it's very addicting :)


+ 1 on the welcome and yes totally agree with speedway, it is addictive. Im sure it wont be long before you too will want even more from your system. :wink:

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