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P95 Worker Stopped on stress testing. Help pls

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I always use LinX and P95 for stress testing. Usually when something is off I get a BSOD or LinX error. What does it mean for a P95 worker to stop? More Vcore or VTT required?


With this same OC I passed 100 rounds of LinX problem size 25,000. Also ram passed memtest86 so I'm ruling that out.


Thanks guys...


Edited by R1P5AW

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I know you dont want to re-run 2 hour tests, but have you been able to replicate the error? To further sniff out the problem you could try lowering the multi to 18 or so, then retest, just to make sure its not some processor subsystem thing like VTT or QPI or whatever.

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Passed 12 hrs of small fft but failed in 11 mins on large fft


I'll try bumping up IOH. Other ideas appreciated







Edited by R1P5AW

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I would guess that its not the processor itself, but rather something between that and the memory. Small FFTs are designed to be stored in the processor cache, whereas large FFTs cant fit there forcing more frequent memory access, so if you insta-fail there but you're okay with the small FFTs, I would say you can narrow down the cause pretty well.

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I would guess that its not the processor itself, but rather something between that and the memory. Small FFTs are designed to be stored in the processor cache, whereas large FFTs cant fit there forcing more frequent memory access, so if you insta-fail there but you're okay with the small FFTs, I would say you can narrow down the cause pretty well.


Thanks - good info :cheers:


I bumped up IOH Vcore and large ffts have been running fine for an hour. I'll keep my eye on it.

Edited by R1P5AW

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