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Liquid Cooling for SAPPHIRE Toxic HD5870 2GB

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I recently built a new rig and am attempting a liquid-cooling system for my first time. Need some help.


My system specs are as follows:


AMD Phenom II x4 965 (125W)


G.SKILL Ripjaws 8GB (2x4GB)


CRUCIAL 128GB SSD SATAIII (main drive)

WD 640GB SATAIII (3 in RAID 0)

ANTEC 1000W Power Supply

ANTEC 1200 Case

running Win7 Home Premium


For the liquid-cooling, I bought from Swiftech:


H2O-220 Ultima XT Kit

Komodo HD5800 Waterblock


This is the part where I need help. I didn't realise that this SAPPHIRE Toxic had the Vapor Chamber attached to the card. So I'm wondering what to do here. In order to attach the Komodo HD5800, do I...

Remove only the fan housing along with the heatsink and fan?


Remove everything?


I tried asking Swiftech and they said I needed to ask SAPPHIRE. Sent an e-mail to SAPPHIRE over a week ago and no response. Need help please.

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Yes, you need to remove fan. I installed 2 x EK waterblocks to my 4890. You need to make sure you have thermalpads to replace old ones. EK instructions recommended to put a dab of ceramis thermal paste to keep the plastic spacers attached to the holes on the waterblock which worked out nicely. Ceramic is kinda sticky and when I had them all attached I carefully lined up the WB and screwed it down. I would think your WB comes with spacers. Also, I used Ceramic due to non cunductive tim.

Edited by Drdeath

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Thanks for the reply guys.....


Yes Joel, I read that review. It's the main reason I bought this card. Loved it.


And yes Drdeath, I went to Swiftechs site and read the install instructions. They are fairly informative (with pics) on what to do. And I like that it came with ceramic paste.


However neither of these tell me what I really need to know. I don't know if the Vapor Chamber needs to be removed in order for the waterblock to be attached. I guess I was trying to see if someone has experience with this situation. Since it's my first liquid-cooling system, I didn't want to start messing with things and find out I ruined something.

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Thanks for the reply guys.....


Yes Joel, I read that review. It's the main reason I bought this card. Loved it.


And yes Drdeath, I went to Swiftechs site and read the install instructions. They are fairly informative (with pics) on what to do. And I like that it came with ceramic paste.


However neither of these tell me what I really need to know. I don't know if the Vapor Chamber needs to be removed in order for the waterblock to be attached. I guess I was trying to see if someone has experience with this situation. Since it's my first liquid-cooling system, I didn't want to start messing with things and find out I ruined something.



Everything needs to be removed. that inhibit the waterblock to be installed.

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Thanks for the reply guys.....


Yes Joel, I read that review. It's the main reason I bought this card. Loved it.


And yes Drdeath, I went to Swiftechs site and read the install instructions. They are fairly informative (with pics) on what to do. And I like that it came with ceramic paste.


However neither of these tell me what I really need to know. I don't know if the Vapor Chamber needs to be removed in order for the waterblock to be attached. I guess I was trying to see if someone has experience with this situation. Since it's my first liquid-cooling system, I didn't want to start messing with things and find out I ruined something.



The 5850 toxic is cpu oc'able but not so much on the memory - I suspect because of unique changes for the 2GB vs reference design - although the rest of the card is great. However, I decided to opt for the gigabyte 5870 2gb version which supposedly is reference ATI - actually from ATI just repackaged... I suspect allowing a better oc. Wondering your thoughts on this...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok.....I know it's been over a week now. Had trouble dealing with Swiftech. Their customer support is utter crap. The girl I was dealing with there (Michelle) was actually annoyed that I was disturbing them during lunch. Hello.....customer here.

I had to return the Komodo HD5800 cause it wouldn't fit on my non-reference board. When I asked Swiftech for another solution, they actually told me they had no other product that would help me.


I had FAR better help from Mike at CrazyPC. I explained my situation and the problem I had dealing with Swiftech. While on the phone with Mike, he was looking up web pages about the products I had so he could "see" what I was describing. That's good customer service.

After examining my video card, he told me about the Swiftech MCW60 block. He said he's sold many over the past couple years and that it's a commonly used product for cooling video cards. And wouldn't you know, Swiftech JUST released the newer version, the MCW80. He had just gotten them in stock and said I should give it a try. With all the support I was getting, I was happy to accept his advice.


Pretty sad that Swiftech couldn't tell me about their own product!


I got the block on Thursday (5/13) and have been customizing my case since. Got all the tubing connected and the cooling system primed last night. Friday morning, I got everything mounted into the case, hid as many of the wires as I could, even added a nifty "liquid light" that I also purchased from CrazyPC. So far, I'm very happy with making the decision to attempt my first liquid-cooling system. Loving it.


While typing this post, the air coming out the back of the radiator is actually cool. I don't mean warm or even coolish. I would almost even say the air is cold. I know, I know.......the system is basically idle right now......but still.


I've also never overclocked any of my systems before. Guess what I'll be doing next. :woot:

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