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tubing and additives


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So I plan on running red UV reactive tubing in my water cooling setup for the "hot" pipes and blue coming out of the rad as "cool" pipes... to give a visual dynamic to the cooling process.


First. How much tubing should I get? (Antec 900, cpu block, video card block, small tank, and pump in the bottom of the case. Of course it would be an approximation but I would just be wild guessing as this is my first water cooling setup.


Second. Anyone know FIRST HAND of tubing that produces a true UV red... not pinkish, or orangeish, but red.


Third. What should I add to my distilled water. I've heard some sort of algeacide (spelling) (recommendations? or just buy some fish tank stuff), and less often anti corrosion additives, and less often than even that non-conductive type additives.




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I use PrimoChills UV red tubing a couple of my rigs and it looks pretty good. I would say no more than 10 feet. I buy it in 10 foot packs at Microcenter. You can use a biocide such as Pt Nuke or some Zerex antifreeze but I have seen a small slug of silver do the job as a biocide.

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in my head it was clear non uv and under UV it was red. But I bet clear red non uv/red under uv would look better... less pink. Now to figure out what size barbs i've got... cant find my tape measure.

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