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First new build in a while


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It's been quite a while since I've built a gaming computer, but I'm starting to look into it again. I'm not really interested in overclocking or liquid cooling or anything like that, just want a system that will run modern games at pretty high settings well. Here's what I've come up with so far:


Intel Core i7 930

Asus P6T SE

6GB G.SKILL Trident DDR3 PC-16000

Radeon HD 5870

128GB Kingston SSDNow V Series G2 SSD


Coolermaster HAF 932

Antec True Power 750W


I was thinking that a year or two down the road if I wanted to upgrade I could add another 5870 in Xfire when the price comes down. I would also consider adding another SATA HDD for storage later. With those upgrades, I'm a little concerned the 750W power supply would no longer cut it, but I'm not sure.


Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated!

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looks great. I'd swap out that antec for a corsair tx750 or hx750 & like you said, i would add a regular SATA HDD for storage as that 128gb is going to fill up rather quick :)


everything else looks good though

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