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overclocking q9400 3.6Ghz, need help!!


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LOL im back with passed memtest 45minutes.. yeah the right that's the right code waco.

By the way was wondering dihartnell how u run it on 1125? that was kinda impressive jump from default 1066 stock. izzit lossening the timing or some sort?

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True. I just hate overclocking memory because it's so finicky to get a completely stable OC out of it. :P



Is your DDR2-800 completely memtest stable at 1080? If so, that's impressive and not very common.

Yeah memory OC'n sucks and often isn't justified in performance benefits :rolleyes: (unless it's holding back the CPU's OC)


I've always thought that DDR2-1066 was just decently binned DDR2-800 in reality. I know what you mean by RAM being difficult to overclock. I've always tended to focus on keeping near stock and tightening timings instead.

yeah I think most memory is like that, just higher binned ones with some escaping to lower bins.

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yeah I think most memory is like that, just higher binned ones with some escaping to lower bins.

You'd be surprised how the binning works. ;) Suffice to say I don't trust lower-speed modules to overclock all that much these days.

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You'd be surprised how the binning works. ;) Suffice to say I don't trust lower-speed modules to overclock all that much these days.

yeah, only because the memory speeds are higher now they seem to OC better but it's still that same percentage of typical overclock.


Some select lucky kits don't fall into this category but I will always buy the speed I need to OC to a reasonable level on air.


It's great with Black edition chips and the new K version Sandybridge, lower memory speed is a non issue for OC'n :thumbsup:

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It's great with Black edition chips and the new K version Sandybridge, lower memory speed is a non issue for OC'n :thumbsup:

Yep. It takes a lot of guesswork and time out of the equation. :)

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