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Battlefield sexist? maybe...


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I got you on this one. No, I don't respawn, because I never die. :P


No seriously though, that's a necessary game piece, and shouldn't be something the developers need to focus on, something they should focus on is the environment and how you can use it to your advantage, and this is something battlefield does very well as the environment is large, diverse, and destructible, this something the counter strike does not do, even so, I still like counter strike.


CS and Battlefield are only similar in the fact that they are militaristic first person shooters. That is it... Also, Battlefield BC 2 is brand new, while CS and even CSS have been out for years. /invalid comparison

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I have the same views towards all games, I like my games to be as far from reality as possible, in my opinion they are supposed to be an escape from reality.


Also, by fanboyism do you mean hatred? I won't lie, I hate call of duty anymore, I used to like it though. It's not just that game though, I have issues with the realism of games like battlefield, counter strike, combat arms, crysis, medal of honor, and probably others that I can't think of at the moment, but really I think my hatred shows for call of duty more than the rest of these because it was the only one that anyone used as an example? I mean it's just not a good example though, do you really believe it's more realistic that grenades are more powerful than rpgs than it is to have women fighting along side you in a video game?


I can completely understand people enjoying realism in games too, that's why I like the battlefield games so much, in my opinion they focus on the things are actually important in a warfare game, things like teamwork, classes, vehicles, and the thing I find most important, destructible environments.


That's a pretty augmentative view point some people could say they like there games as real as possible because it puts them in the action of the moment without actually having to face the real risks if they were to go and try those things themselves.


The problem is game developers have to balance realism with fairness and processing power of the systems and try to balance it out to make a good game.


For example just look at shotguns in most video games they all seem to do realistic 1 shot 1 kill damage however most of the time there range is terrible a lot worse then it would be in real life. You practically have to be only a few feet away to kill someone versus real shotguns that can kill at a 100 yards or more. But if they made the shotgun have the real power it does in real life everyone would just run around with shotguns and the game would be no fun.

Edited by fire_storm

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So I lost track, is this about females being in video games or the realism in video games?


Point #1:

Why does it matter, honestly? The whole point of a FPS is to shoot people, nothing else. There is no heroism for the toon in the game, it's just a pixelated representation to accomplish the mission at hand. There is no greater good and no symbol of greatness. Plus, why would you want to shoot boobs? That's just wrooong man! WRONG!



Point #2:

I find it funny those with no military background complain about the realism of MW2 while the ones that do have that background, don't. Know what a real AC-130 gunner thinks about MW2? QFT => "It's just like being at work but with better graphics!" Know where they got the lingo and movement patterns? From guys who do special ops in real life.


Far as the RPG vs Grenade example - the person with the Riot Shield guarding against the RPG was probably also using a Blast Shield. Also depends where the RPG hits vs where the Grenade lands. The Danger Close perk also expands the range of the blast.

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That's a pretty augmentative view point some people could say they like there games as real as possible because it puts them in the action of the moment without actually having to face the real risks if they were to go and try those things themselves.


The problem is game developers have to balance realism with fairness and processing power of the systems and try to balance it out to make a good game.


For example just look at shotguns in most video games they all seem to do realistic 1 shot 1 kill damage however most of the time there range is terrible a lot worse then it would be in real life. You practically have to be only a few feet away to kill someone versus real shotguns that can kill at a 100 yards or more. But if they made the shotgun have the real power it does in real life everyone would just run around with shotguns and the game would be no fun.

I can definitely see your point on the shotgun, which is why it's one my most hated weapons in most FPS games, only game I like it in is killing and that's because it's actually realistic.


So I lost track, is this about females being in video games or the realism in video games?


Point #1:

Why does it matter, honestly? The whole point of a FPS is to shoot people, nothing else. There is no heroism for the toon in the game, it's just a pixelated representation to accomplish the mission at hand. There is no greater good and no symbol of greatness. Plus, why would you want to shoot boobs? That's just wrooong man! WRONG!



Point #2:

I find it funny those with no military background complain about the realism of MW2 while the ones that do have that background, don't. Know what a real AC-130 gunner thinks about MW2? QFT => "It's just like being at work but with better graphics!" Know where they got the lingo and movement patterns? From guys who do special ops in real life.


Far as the RPG vs Grenade example - the person with the Riot Shield guarding against the RPG was probably also using a Blast Shield. Also depends where the RPG hits vs where the Grenade lands. The Danger Close perk also expands the range of the blast.

Okay, point 1... I have to say, that pretty much changes my mind, and just so you know, you're probably going to get me killed a lot in any game with female soldiers because I will not be able to shoot them in the chest now, because that thought will haunt me.


Now, for point 2... don't the two of those thing kind of just conflict with each other? I mean you start off saying that real life combatants feel they can relate to the game but really... I just don't think real life combatants go around depending on perks and killstreaks, I would have an easier time believing that there is a guy running around in the jungle in a suit that says "maximum power!" than a guy with jelly smeared all over his face saying "gee... I'm glad I had that blast shield up to stop the grenade at my feet".


By the way, just want to explain why I use that example, when I was over at my cousin's house last christmas we were playing around with the riot shield to see what it could and couldn't stop, it stopped the RPG but when I threw the sticky grenade on it, killed him, I mean both explosions were on the same side of the shield, just didn't make any sense.

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Okay, point 1... I have to say, that pretty much changes my mind, and just so you know, you're probably going to get me killed a lot in any game with female soldiers because I will not be able to shoot them in the chest now, because that thought will haunt me.



Now, for point 2... don't the two of those thing kind of just conflict with each other? I mean you start off saying that real life combatants feel they can relate to the game but really... I just don't think real life combatants go around depending on perks and killstreaks, I would have an easier time believing that there is a guy running around in the jungle in a suit that says "maximum power!" than a guy with jelly smeared all over his face saying "gee... I'm glad I had that blast shield up to stop the grenade at my feet".

ha ha hah

On the serious note though, it's really just a balance of realism and gameplay. Even though I'm no longer a Metal Gear Solid fan, MGS4 is another good example. The developer will do a lot of research and incorporation as much realism into the game to help with ambience of the game and to pull the player into the game - game immersion. But it is a game after all, so it can't just focus on just realism ...you have to make it fun too. So games these days will try to balance the two off.


By the way, just want to explain why I use that example, when I was over at my cousin's house last christmas we were playing around with the riot shield to see what it could and couldn't stop, it stopped the RPG but when I threw the sticky grenade on it, killed him, I mean both explosions were on the same side of the shield, just didn't make any sense.

You very well could be right, there are definitely some dorked up things in the game. But at least they are fixing most of them in the patch updates ...at least for the 360. Krieg said in another topic they are making it worse on the PC, I dunno tbh. I don't ever use the Riot Shield so I really don't care. And I don't use the Sniper Rifle either. MW2's biggest issue is bullet registration ...gaw is that frustrating when that crap happens. Oh and when someone from Australia enters the game because they usually become the host and the latency freaking sucks balls than.

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Okay... so how about this, we will put women soldiers in the game but make them really ugly, this solves all of the problems of oogling(I knew that wasn't a real word, you guys made it up >.<) and feeling bad about shooting them in the boobs and battlefield will no longer be sexist.

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