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Overclocking my P55M-UD2 - RAM Issues


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Right now I'm in middle of overclocking and I've overclocked my Core i5-750 to 3.40 GHz beautifully. Fully stable and tore threw 8 hours of prime95 with no errors. I've got an Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev. 2, and it cools great. CPU's at 30C Idle and 51C max at 100% load on all 4 cores. Now I'm looking to take my G.SKILL Ripjaws 2 x 2GB RAM from 1600MHz to 1700MHz. I've been trying but even with the RAM set at 1.65v(Normally set at 1.5v) and with a base clock of 162 and a multiplier of 10(This makes the RAM run at 1620MHz), it has not be booting successfully. I'm using a GA-P55M-UD2. Here are my settings:


Advanced Frequency Settings


CPU Clock Ratio............[20 X]

CPU Frequency.............3.40GHz( 170x20)

Advanced CPU Core Features:


Turbo Boost Off

All Cores enabled

CPU Enhanced Halt C1E On

C3/C6/C7 State Support On

CPU Thermal Monitor On

CPU EIST(SpeedStep) Off

Bi-Directional PROCHOT On


QPI Clock Ratio.............[32x]

QPI Link Speed.............5.44GHz

Uncore Clock Ratio........16x

Uncore Frequency.........2720MHz


>>>>>> Standard Clock Control

Base Clock(BCLK) Control.........[Enabled]

BCLK Frequency(MHz)...............[170]

Extreme Memory Profile(X.M.P.).[Disabled]

System Memory Multipier..........[8.0]

Memory Frequency(MHz)...........1360

PCIE Frequency........................[Auto]



>>>>>> Advanced Clock Control

CPU Clock Drive.......................[800mV]

PCIE Clock Drive......................[900mV]

CPU Clock Skew.......................[0ps]


Advanced Memory Settings


Extreme Memory Profile(X.M.P.).[Disabled]

System Memory Multipier...........[8.0]

Memory Frequency(MHz)...........1360

Performance Enhance................[standard]

DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD)...[Auto]

Profile DDR Voltage...................1.5v

Profile QPI Voltage....................1.1v

x Channel Interleaving........6.....Auto

x Rank Interleaving.............4....Auto


>>>>> Channel A


Timings are set for 9-9-9-24 for my RAM


>>>>> Channel B


Timings are set for 9-9-9-24 for my RAM


Advanced Voltage Settings


>>> CPU


Load-Line Calibration.................[Disabled]

CPU Vcore...............1.13125V....[1.14375V]

x Dynamic Vcore......+0.0000V...Auto

QPI/Vtt Voltage........1.100V.......[Auto]




PCH Core................1.050V.......[Auto]

CPU PLL..................1.800V.......[Auto]


>>> DRAM


DRAM Voltage.........1.500V.......[1.500V]

DRAM Termination...0.750V.......[Auto]

Ch. A & Ch. B Data VRef...........0.750V........[Auto]

Ch. A & Ch. B Address VRef......0.750V........[Auto]


Misc. Settings


Isochronous Support...............[Enabled]

Virtualization Technology.........[Enabled]


Right now the Memory multipier is set at 8 to keep it under 1.6GHz. I'm looking to put that at 10 for 1.7GHz and have it pass memtest 10 times straight. What should I change my settings to for this to work? Why hasn't it been working even at 1.62GHz at 1.65v? Thanks!


EDIT Also, what is C1E? I know it helps for power saving but is it necessary and would you recommend it on or off for overclocking?

Edited by Evildemon989

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Turn off C1e


Turn Thermal monitoring off


Set PCIe clock to 100 manually


Vdimm to 1.65


QPI voltage to 1.25- 1.35

Assuming Vdimm is the DRAM Voltage, I did exactly what you said(Except I had to set the DRAM Voltage to 1.64 since I only had 1.64 and 1.66 and 1.66 is red not white.), and then put my RAM to 1.7GHz, and failed again. I even reflashed my BIOS and no cigar. Any other ideas?

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Did you bump the QPI voltage as well?

Yes. I went and did your instructions again and put it all the way up to 1.34 and it still did not work.


But I've noticed something. In my BIOS when I have something selected, on the right side it will give me info about it. When I have "System Memory Multipier (SPD) selected, in the right column under Item Help it says this:


Menu Level >>



Set Memory Frequency by DRAM SPD Data


Warning: Improper memory clock may cause system fail to boot, and not guaranteed to operate normally.


Clear CMOS to overcome wrong frequency issue

What does the bold part mean? Wouldn't it just clear all your settings?


I also tried what you said but with a blck of 161 and a memory multipier of ten(Makes the RAM run at 1610MHz, and left the voltage of the RAM at 1.5, and it still failed. Any other suggestions? I can give you the rest of my BIOS settings if needed.

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increasing ram voltage is dangerous if u dont have ram cooler and good air flow in ur case,would not suggest increasing the ram voltage if u dont have these.

try to loosen the timings and then overclock.

What's your definition of RAM cooler? I believe I'm qualified for it seeing as I've got great airflow in my case, and I've got tons of fans. What should I loosen the timings to? But even If I would loosen the timings, wouldn't it just counteract the overclock since yes, I have a higher frequency but it wouldn't matter if it takes you longer to access the RAM.

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there not that much of diference if u loosen the timing of the rams,try benchmarking ur rams in everest and then loosen the timings and benchmark,ive done it,by ram cooler i mean may an after market heat sinks from thermaltake for the rams or ram coolers with fan in it like these ozc or corsair http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/cool.../ocz_xtc_cooler

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there not that much of diference if u loosen the timing of the rams,try benchmarking ur rams in everest and then loosen the timings and benchmark,ive done it,by ram cooler i mean may an after market heat sinks from thermaltake for the rams or ram coolers with fan in it like these ozc or corsair http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/cool.../ocz_xtc_cooler

Yea, my heatsinks on my RAM right now don't run hot at all. And plus my aftermarket CPU Cooler pulls air directly over the teeth on the heatspreaders. Still looking for solutions to the problems I've been having though.

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increasing ram voltage is dangerous if u dont have ram cooler and good air flow in ur case,would not suggest increasing the ram voltage if u dont have these.

try to loosen the timings and then overclock.



At 1.65 volts the memory is in no danger of cooking itself with or without a heatspreader. Please dont make a general statement without giving the explanation. Increaseing it above x.xx level is dangerous because.... The module he has are rated at the JEDEC spec for DDR3 modules of 1.5v, They are fine at 1.65v .


his timings are already at 9-9-9 so there really is not any wiggle room





There is a setting in the bios that is holding him back. Or the other possibility is that while this kit is designed to work with the Core i5 socket 1156 boards I have had several kits that well just wont go over the 1600Mhz threshold no matter what you do. It may be an incompatibility with the density of the modules causing the problem. I have 2 sets that will not go above 1600Mhz on certain boards yet I can put them on a 1366 board and hit almost 2000Mhz with them. Compatibility issues still exist even with (Built for ) modules.

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There is a setting in the bios that is holding him back. Or the other possibility is that while this kit is designed to work with the Core i5 socket 1156 boards I have had several kits that well just wont go over the 1600Mhz threshold no matter what you do. It may be an incompatibility with the density of the modules causing the problem. I have 2 sets that will not go above 1600Mhz on certain boards yet I can put them on a 1366 board and hit almost 2000Mhz with them. Compatibility issues still exist even with (Built for ) modules.

Hm.... I guess I'll write gigabyte about it then. Hm... I really don't see what would be the problem though. If anyone has any other ideas, I'd be appreciated. I'll try and keep messing with things, and see what happens.


EDIT: Went in and set performance enhance to turbo from standard, and it boots perfectly. Running memtest now.


EDIT: How many passes of memtest do you think is appropriate? My RAM went threw 11 Passes with no errors. They are running at 1.7GHz with a voltage of 1.56v.

Edited by Evildemon989

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