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Overclocking my 920


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Trying setting turbo boost to enable. That will give a 21x multiplier.

Try bumping your ram voltage up to 1.62 or 1.64

Try manually setting your ram timings to 8-8-8-24


As for the ram issue with ony 4gb showing, I can only suggest you check to make sure they are seated properly and are in the correct slots. I have heard of this issue before and it's because the ram sticks were in the wrong slots. Check you owners manual. I'm assuming they are triple channel because IIRC i7s won't run properly on dual channel.

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Trying setting turbo boost to enable. That will give a 21x multiplier.

Try bumping your ram voltage up to 1.62 or 1.64

Try manually setting your ram timings to 8-8-8-24


As for the ram issue with ony 4gb showing, I can only suggest you check to make sure they are seated properly and are in the correct slots. I have heard of this issue before and it's because the ram sticks were in the wrong slots. Check you owners manual. I'm assuming they are triple channel because IIRC i7s won't run properly on dual channel.

I've used it with turbo boost enabled before also. Ram voltage is up to 1.65. 8-8-8-24 did nothing for me. I have heard about this board being picky about the order in which the ram sticks are in.... and really if the ram was in the wrong slots than it would not post because I am running the ram in the only slots that can be triple channel config. The ram would also have to be seated properly as it is detected properly at and before 181mhz and then detected as 4gb only after I have gone past 181mhz. At this point I can only think that either my motherboard is uncooperative as it is impossible to post anywhere between 183-199mhz or the cpu. If the CPU is a poor sample it is possible that my on-die mem controller is just plain unstable no matter what voltage after 181mhz and causing the memtest errors though the latter is just a possible assumption.


Edit: I will be ruling out the motherboard possibility soon.

Edited by Compxpert

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Picture 1


Set QPI Frequency to manual and set to the lowest or mid level (At 133bclock should be 4.8 or 5.6)

Dram Frequency set manually to 1066 or 1333

Uncore set to exactly double Dram frequency

PCIE to 103-105


Pic 2


Take QPI Frequency off of Auto and set as above

See above for DRAM frequency setting

Boot up CPU base clock I would try setting to what you have the bclock set



Pic 3


CPU Vid control bump up the vcore as far as 1.4

Turn off the special add so the vcore you set is what you get. auto will not do the trick

Dram vaoltage 1.65 to 1.70 is the range you want to fish in with those sticks

VTT volts 1.25 should be your starting point and go up as high as 1.45. For 2000Mhz some mem controllers require much higher (1.55 plus)

IOH voltage needs to be stepped up to between 1.20 to 1.3v or higher if needed (Helps bclock ocing)


Pic 4


Set timings manually 8-8-8-24 TRFC to between 72 to 100


Pic 5


turn virtualization on




That should get you in the ball park. Dont be afraid to give it some volts.

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Picture 1


Set QPI Frequency to manual and set to the lowest or mid level (At 133bclock should be 4.8 or 5.6)

Dram Frequency set manually to 1066 or 1333

Uncore set to exactly double Dram frequency

PCIE to 103-105


Pic 2


Take QPI Frequency off of Auto and set as above

See above for DRAM frequency setting

Boot up CPU base clock I would try setting to what you have the bclock set



Pic 3


CPU Vid control bump up the vcore as far as 1.4

Turn off the special add so the vcore you set is what you get. auto will not do the trick

Dram vaoltage 1.65 to 1.70 is the range you want to fish in with those sticks

VTT volts 1.25 should be your starting point and go up as high as 1.45. For 2000Mhz some mem controllers require much higher (1.55 plus)

IOH voltage needs to be stepped up to between 1.20 to 1.3v or higher if needed (Helps bclock ocing)


Pic 4


Set timings manually 8-8-8-24 TRFC to between 72 to 100


Pic 5


turn virtualization on




That should get you in the ball park. Dont be afraid to give it some volts.

Lets see if this works. I hope so. I think we have a winner... I was able to boot in at 182 so far which was something I couldn't do before.


Edit: Currently 4.2gHz and climbing fast.

Edit2: and then a wall after 220mhz bclock. 217 froze in post.

So far:



Need something to get it higher so trying a couple of different things see what I'll come up with.

Edited by Compxpert

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My chips hit a wall around 220 as well but are prime stable around 210Mhz. Glad to see you got it much higher ! It will take vcore to get it stable though

Running solid at 201 right now. 1.40v vcore I could probably drop off to 1.32... gonna reboot for it.

Edit: got vcore down to 1.31v at 4.0gHz

Edit2: Thanks frank.

Edited by Compxpert

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Running solid at 201 right now. 1.40v vcore I could probably drop off to 1.32... gonna reboot for it.

Edit: got vcore down to 1.31v at 4.0gHz

Edit2: Thanks frank.



My pleasure! Just have to know what to tweak LOL !

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