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I've reinstalled Windows twice, and right now I have the comp sitting formatted. When I start the pc up, I hit tab to go into the post screen, but the screen only comes up for a fraction of a second, and then disappears and the PC tries to boot. Any ideas as to why it won't post? Should I try to flash the bios?

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I wouldn't flash the BIOS. That should be a last resort at the moment. At the most you might try clearing your CMOS and reloading defaults. Other than that don't do anything with the motherboard BIOS to try and fix a FPS problem in a single game.


When you say press the "tab" button to get to the post screen are you talking about the BIOS post screen?

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I wouldn't flash the BIOS. That should be a last resort at the moment. At the most you might try clearing your CMOS and reloading defaults. Other than that don't do anything with the motherboard BIOS to try and fix a FPS problem in a single game.


When you say press the "tab" button to get to the post screen are you talking about the BIOS post screen?


It's not an FPS problem anymore, overall the computer was unstable. I don't believe it's normal to get 2 fps in futuremark, and it isn't normal for the comp to not boot into Windows every time.


While booting, it lists buttons to go to certain places. The delete key is to go to bios, and it says to press Tab for the post screen. I'm not exactly sure if what it shows everytime it boots up is a post screen? This is my first build, and it hasn't been a great experience so far =P I'm just not sure what to do now. I want to get it to post before I install Windows for the 3rd time.

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I just built my new PC, and everything is running fine. I had a lot of probelms with Windows 7 64 bit, so i used 32 bit instead.



Good morning BKen. There has been a large swing in your thread from "everything is running fine" to "It's not an FPS problem anymore, overall the computer was unstable. I don't believe it's normal to get 2 fps in futuremark, and it isn't normal for the comp to not boot into Windows every time."


This kind of takes us back to post #17 concerning running memory, cpu and subsystem stability testing.


I would do a minimum system build (outside the case if possible for easier trouble shooting). Only one stick of RAM, one hard drive, graphics card, one optical drive and ps2 keyboard and mouse. Clear your cmos including removal of the cmos battery while you're pulling stuff apart and re-asssembling. Move your cmos jumper back to the save position and reinstall the cmos battery.


Boot the computer and press the "delete" key to get into your BIOS. Load BIOS default values and reboot. Run memtest diagnostic utility from CDROM. If that passes for eight hours install additonal ram and re-run memtest. If that passes proceed with Windows installation. After installing Windows 7 update your drivers and install all Windows 7 updates. Once this is done go ahead and run OCCT, Prime95, Orthos etc. and make sure cpu and rest of system is stable at stock clocks and voltages.


Report back.

Edited by wevsspot

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The use of PS/2 mouse and keyboard during diagnostics has been a stalwart for many years. USB devices can sometimes cause issues that seem totally unrelated to the problem at hand.


I remember a computer problem I had last year when there was one particular rig that was just acting strange. I thought it was seriously infected with a virus or malware. Spent a couple hours cleaning it up, still no success. It was acting like the machine was possessed. Non-responsive keyboard at times, and even typing without any user input, open up explorer etc. with absolutely no one touching anything.


Went through trouble shooting the whole rig - memory testing, motherboard testing, cpu testing, power supply testing, hard drive testing etc. and everything checked fine. Threw up my hands and formatted the drive and installed a fresh copy of Windows. Ahhh, success...... oh wait....... two minutes later darn machine is doing the same thing.


Guess what - frickin' USB keyboard (high dollar one I might add but won't use the name to protect the guilty mfg.)


Any way, strayed way off your question and topic. It's worth it to have a PS/2 mouse and keyboard laying around if only for trouble shooting.

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some of the responses here baffle me.


His cpu is running at 85-100% with a screenshot of his task manager running "System" at 75%, yet people still suggest to do things like call blizzard support, reformat, or defrag? Mind you the game wasn't even running when his cpu was at 75%+, so how or why would blizzard help? Defragging will not lower cpu cycles. Reformatting may fix the issue, but this should be a last resort.


The "System" in task manager wasn't running at 75% while in safe mode, so this clearly tells me that it could be a driver problem, but more likely some malware or virus.


Someone suggested to run a malware cleaner, has this been done yet? Results?


Why would you not run an antivirus?

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The CPU cycles being eaten up doesn't always happen. Yes, I searched for Malware with Antimalwarebytes software, and none was found. This is a fresh build, and I reinstalled Windows for the 3rd time yesterday. I never have problems with anything until I install the Catalyst drivers. When I ran futremark, My CPU was not being eaten up by System.

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Memtest passed (had it run last not for 8 hours) and OCCT passed a 3 or 4 hour test (can't remember if it was 3 or 4) with no problems. I have'nt had the problem of my CPU being loaded randomly yet, and I'm back on 64 bit Windows 7. 3DMark Vantage still only gets 2-4 fps on the GFX tests. I just ran it again and at the end it gave me a message saying that "Our results indicate that you are not getting full graphical performance based on your hardware." Not exact wording, but I didn't write it down.

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