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Can't Raise my NB Freq.


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@ballistix - if increasing the NB voltage creates stability. then the overclock has been extended/increased successfully.

in making that stable, it can progress to the next step, so don't count it out of allowing you to OC more.


( why go farther if you cant even stabilize it?)

yeah true, but when u oc more after the stabilization of the NB, u'd have to up the NB again then THAT gives more OC room, then OC, then +NB...etc. lol What I'm saying is that I'm not underestimating the power of NB, just that I don't think it gives as much room for OC, as a nice CPU Voltage increase.


Well that's all fine and dandy, but I read that if your NB is 2400-2600 you get the most out of your 3.8 Overclock. I'm at 3.8 stable. Have been for a week or so. I hit 61.5 at MAXXXX load. And that's after quite a while. I don't mind it, the point is that I'm at 3.8 but my NB won't raise in frequency at all. Does it make that much of a difference to have a faster NB anyways?

Yes it does make a difference because of what cirro said. I don't know what the idea is with u not being able to use the NB but if u were able, you'd have more OC room for sure. And even if u just increase it without overclocking further, it's still beneficial.

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Yes it does make a difference because of what cirro said. I don't know what the idea is with u not being able to use the NB but if u were able, you'd have more OC room for sure. And even if u just increase it without overclocking further, it's still beneficial.


I'm not talking about the overclock itself. I'm talking about what the North Bridge DOES. It's the transportation for data from the RAM to the CPU and visa versa. I want to make THAT faster. Forget the CPU altogether. Just the Northbridge. I want to raise the frequency so that my RAM and CPU communicate better.

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