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i7 920 speeds


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I cant seem to get to 4.0 gig on this proc. It's a DO stepping. I can run at 4 it just fails

in occt with cpu errors. My current setting are 20x185 with turbo on. CoreV is 1.4.

Heres a pic of temps after more than 30min. There fine. Any recommendations ?

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I cant seem to get to 4.0 gig on this proc. It's a DO stepping. I can run at 4 it just fails

in occt with cpu errors. My current setting are 20x185 with turbo on. CoreV is 1.4.

Heres a pic of temps after more than 30min. There fine. Any recommendations ?





Can you post your BIOS settings, such as :


CPU Voltage

CPU PLL Voltage

QPI Voltage, this is VTT on your motherboard

IOH Voltage

IOH PCIE Voltage

ICH Voltage

ICH PCIE voltage


DRAM Bus Voltage


What type of error are you getting in OCCT, blue screens ?? error 101 means low Vcore, error 124 and 09c are low VTT ... if it freezes its usually low VTT


Are you using Load Line Calibration, for CPU and QPI ??

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Without VDroop

CPU VCore - 1.4

CPU VTT - +300mV

CPU PLL - Auto

DIMM Voltage - 1.65V

DIMM DQ Vref - +0mV

QPI PLL VCore - 1.400V

IOH VCore - 1.400V

IOH/ICH I/O Voltage 1.650V

ICH VCore - 1.250V

PWM Frequency - 1067 KHz


These are all my voltage settings.


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No suggestions? :unsure:


Your settings should be more than enough for 4.0 GHZ, have you tried different multipliers, such as 20x200, 21x190 or maybe 19*210, in my particular case the 19 multiplier seems to overclock better than 20 and 21. When I say better I mean that it requieres less voltage. Give it a shot.


I ll post 4011 GHZ stable running on 19*211, with the following settings later on:


CPU Voltage 1.25

CPU PLL Voltage 1.81

QPI Voltage 1.25


DRAM Bus Voltage 1.63


By the way, why is your Vcore in the screenshot under load of 0.9 Volts ??

Edited by Nicckko

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Your settings should be more than enough for 4.0 GHZ, have you tried different multipliers, such as 20x200, 21x190 or maybe 19*210, in my particular case the 19 multiplier seems to overclock better than 20 and 21. When I say better I mean that it requieres less voltage. Give it a shot.


I ll post 4011 GHZ stable running on 19*211, with the following settings later on:


CPU Voltage 1.25

CPU PLL Voltage 1.81

QPI Voltage 1.25


DRAM Bus Voltage 1.63


By the way, why is your Vcore in the screenshot under load of 0.9 Volts ??


I don't why the core V shows up like that. I do have it set to 1.4 I'm sure of that.

Does the occt post your coreV correctly?

I have tried 20x200 and 19x 200 but I get cpu erroes in occt :angry2:

Is that a valid test?

BTW 20x185 is really 21x185 because I have the turbo enabled.

Edited by dling

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Try bumping up the VTT some more. try +375.


Thats what it took for my 3520 to go from 4.0 to 4.2


Would I be able to lower my coreV after increasing the VTT or would it hinder my chances?

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It just seems that the D0's (most) are hitting 4.0 pretty easily now and it may be something else holding yours back.


That's just why I suggested the multi to check and see. Hope you get it figured out.

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