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Overclocking Phenom II 720; How many volts are too much


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Yeah plus I have never heard of any phenom II running at temps that low with the voltage that high on air


I had my old phenom II 940 at 1.42V stable at 3.7Ghz and with my asus royal knight load temps would hit 67c

Edited by GodlyManDude540

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I was not meaning for you to run your CPU at 1.7v with air cooling. The case i spoke of was a shock and a big no no. He is lucky and there is no telling how long he actually had been running at those volts. I seldom take what customers tell me as 100% truth as many try to cover up any wrong doing on their part and the rest just dont know what they are talking about.


When OCing phenom2s on air you will hit a wall. The wall is the highest you can get and by adding volts there is no effect, it just will not get stable. But there are other ways around the wall. But you won t get far.


Try dropping your multiplier 1x and bring up your "fsb" slowly past the default 200. Beware of your memory speed and dont run it to far out of its rated speed. if you get good results past 214 you should adjust your memory divider. An easy way is to change your memory default staring speed in the bios to the next lower speed. example yor ram is 800 set in the bois to 667.


Take notes of your progress. Usually on the BEs you can get better results running the multi less then its max and then bring up the "fsb". I can get so much further on the same volts with the multi under 18. At 18 i can barely get 3.5 at 1.45v. but at 17.5 x 212 I can get 3710 at 1.39v. Try different multipliers and take notes of the voltages and the peaks. Once you get to the lower multipliers you will have NB and HT frequancies to worry about along with the memory. Its all a learning process and it is pretty fun.


To answer your question about volts, in the phenom2 7XX club at another site we constantly see ppl running their max volts on good air coolers from 1.5 to 1.55 for 24/7 use with no problem. This has been the case there since april o9. We see some suicide runs at even 1.57 and 1.6v. But those are a boot up and get a cpuz and/or PI then shut down. Most agree that <1.55v is acceptable for 24/7 use and some even claim 1.55v is the max from AMD. I always thought it was 1.5v but i can tell you so far these chips seem pretty amazingly solid. The cooler you get it the better the results. Open your window on a cool cool night and open your case to let in the cool air and your results will improve by far. You will get further on lower volts as thats how many get their ranks in the clubs benchmark section.

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I was not meaning for you to run your CPU at 1.7v with air cooling. The case i spoke of was a shock and a big no no. He is lucky and there is no telling how long he actually had been running at those volts. I seldom take what customers tell me as 100% truth as many try to cover up any wrong doing on their part and the rest just dont know what they are talking about.


When OCing phenom2s on air you will hit a wall. The wall is the highest you can get and by adding volts there is no effect, it just will not get stable. But there are other ways around the wall. But you won t get far.


Try dropping your multiplier 1x and bring up your "fsb" slowly past the default 200. Beware of your memory speed and dont run it to far out of its rated speed. if you get good results past 214 you should adjust your memory divider. An easy way is to change your memory default staring speed in the bios to the next lower speed. example yor ram is 800 set in the bois to 667.


Take notes of your progress. Usually on the BEs you can get better results running the multi less then its max and then bring up the "fsb". I can get so much further on the same volts with the multi under 18. At 18 i can barely get 3.5 at 1.45v. but at 17.5 x 212 I can get 3710 at 1.39v. Try different multipliers and take notes of the voltages and the peaks. Once you get to the lower multipliers you will have NB and HT frequancies to worry about along with the memory. Its all a learning process and it is pretty fun.


To answer your question about volts, in the phenom2 7XX club at another site we constantly see ppl running their max volts on good air coolers from 1.5 to 1.55 for 24/7 use with no problem. This has been the case there since april o9. We see some suicide runs at even 1.57 and 1.6v. But those are a boot up and get a cpuz and/or PI then shut down. Most agree that <1.55v is acceptable for 24/7 use and some even claim 1.55v is the max from AMD. I always thought it was 1.5v but i can tell you so far these chips seem pretty amazingly solid. The cooler you get it the better the results. Open your window on a cool cool night and open your case to let in the cool air and your results will improve by far. You will get further on lower volts as thats how many get their ranks in the clubs benchmark section.



I have gotten my 955 c2 to 1.7 on air. Scared the heck out of me, since this is my only machine.

Temps were 41*C idle and 60*C load.

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Have you checked them with real temp? and try a few other monitors just to see if they differ

I have check with core temp, hardware monitor, and speed fan. All tell me temps of 40-41. The attached screenshot are my current temps and I have been running prime95 for nearly 7 hours. I think these are right, because my previous CPU was a 6400 and it was running 60 at full load with my old cooler, a Zalman CNPS 9500, after I switched to the lapped Mugen 2 the temps dropped into the low 40s at full load.


Edited by tgengler4

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