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sunbeam core contact freezer install issues


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Im doing a new build. just got all the parts in today, and I having issues installing the cooler. its a Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer. It has 2 retention clips that hook on like the stock amd cooler, my problem is that once one clip is hooked on, it seemes to take an exorbanant amount of effort to get the other clip anywhere near the the thing it hooks onto. I dont want to bend the heat pipes, or crack the cpu. is it supposed to be this hard to install?




:EDIT: nevermind, I got it. I was trying to bend the whole cooler sideways to get the clip far enough over, when I needed to push straight down on the clip

Edited by Savan

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You should feel lucky that you don't also have a PSU and heatsink in the way :P

Anyways the problem might be that the base of the heatsink is sliding off center towards the already hooked clip. Keep it right in the middle or maybe even pull it closer to the clip you are trying to hook in. That was what I noticed was giving me trouble when I installed mine. Even then it took a fair amount of force, but nothing ridiculous.


Edit: Well you already got. Oh well, happy O/C'ing!

Edited by nickosha

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