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noob needs help!!!!


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i need to over clock my memory mostly. kingston seen me coming when i bought there memory. i bought 1066 and my computer only see's it as 800. and if you guys dont mind helping me with overclocking my cpu that might be kool also :rolleyes: and maybe even my video card???

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Unless the memory kit doesn't have an EPP profile and your motherboard doesn't support EPP profiles, you'll have to manually set the timings, frequency and voltage for you memory manually in BIOS.

tried that @ 5-5-5-15 no luck. if thats the right timings maybe you can tell me the volt.

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Hello I just wanna throw in there that I have a Gigabyte board aswell and did some overclocking. I found that leaving everything at the default/auto settings stabilized my system. GA boards don't like you to mess with the settings, which is why the bios looks so cryptic. Not overclocker friendly at all.


I had been trying to get stable 4.0GHz for a little over a week. It wouldn't let me set my D-ram freq among other things. So anyways, after a day or two I'd get instability to the point where I couldn't use my system.


So I went back and set everything to default/auto and bumped up the v-core to get to 4.0GHz. I think I also set the robust graphics booster setting to turbo or something, but that's it. It's been rock solid stable for over a month now.


According to cpu-z, everything is set to the right values when I let the mobo manage everything.

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