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So when I bought my new Macbook pro, one of the things I didn't even think about was the ability to write to a NTFS drive using OS X. It was one of those things that I thought would of been automatic on Apple's part. You can read files on NTFS but you cannot write to NTFS devices.


I use a lot of flash drives/ external hard drives for school and stuff and when I threw my hard drive on my MBP to copy something I couldn't this was a huge disappointment and really my only complaint about OS X, which is native full support for other file systems.


I have been working with Linux for about a year now, and most distros allow this which is why I was so shocked when I found out that OS X which is closer to Unix than Linux is did not support this feature.


I did some research and their are third party solutions out there that will accomplish this. I personally think that in a day of modern operating systems when Apple is even trying to convince PC users to make the switch that this should be a fully supported feature.


What do the other MAC people out there think?

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Mac OS X 10.6 has support to write to NTFS, however it is not enabled. Since NTFS is a MS File System, I don't expect anyone other than MS to provide support for it... just like I don't expect MS to offer support for *nix or Apple file systems. Sure, it'd be nice if everyone would play nice together, but I don't expect it.


As long as you aren't moving files >4GB, FAT32 should work for any thumb drive and will allows both Windows and OS X to read and write. And while it takes longer, CDs and DVDs work well also.



I'd just get a NAS and format it however you like (NTFS or Apple) and then connect to it via SMB or FTP, or use VMWare Fusion. Of course, I hardly do anything on my PC anymore. *shrug*

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