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ArnieF4440's 1st Build


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Hi all, here's my planned rig. Its for about $2,000 (AUD) and I plan to build it around March 2010. Its gonna be for gaming, as well as university work (graphics and web design, programming, networks administration, etc). The only things I'm concerned about atm are the motherboard, RAM, and PSU. Plus my mum proposed something else to do with the rig (detailed below). Can i get your opinions on the rig and any improvements i could make for it please, and if anyone knows how, the suggestion at the bottom. (newegg links at part names)


CPU: Intel Core i7-920

CPU Cooling: Noctua NH-U12P

Motherboard: Gigabyte EX-58 UD3R

Graphics Card: Sapphire Radeon 5870 HD Vapor-x (x2 in crossfire later)

HDD: Samsung EcoGreen F2 (1.5TB)

RAM: Kingston HyperX 6GB (3x2GB, 240pin 2000MHz with fan cooling kit)

CPU Case: Coolermaster HAF922

PSU: Coolermaster UCP Series RS900

Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster Xtreme Gamer Fatal1ty Series Pro (can't find link atm)

Monitor: Acer X213hbid


My mum currently uses a 4 y.o desktop PC by dell and its very slow, which she is getting really fed up with. So she was thinking of having a single server housed in my study, and have 2 dumb terminals which me and my mum could use to access the server from the study and my room (which is about 10-15m away from the study). Most of the time, my mum just uses her computer to surf the net and I will be working on University work, and there might be some overlap in the time I use for playing games and her use. I can spend maybe another $1,000 (AUD) on this and I'm hoping to keep most of the same hardware from my planned rig, but how plausible is this and what would I need to do to make this possible.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by ArnieF4440

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The PSU is fine, but if you were looking to save a bit of money you could go for the i7-860 and a nice P55 motherboard as there is relatively no difference in gaming between it and the 920.

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Thanks for the tip, however, my main concern with them is whether everything will work well together without any issues and if there are any better parts for the same budget (eg. the HyperX, and if I've got the right amount of pins for the Mobo), but still EX58 for the Mobo. For price, I'm already about $150 under budget, so that's fine for my primary rig, I can get a disk drive and some peripherals fairly cheap for that $150 (Razer Lycrosa, CM Sentinel Storm Advanced, and can't remember disk drive atm). Main concerns are the server/dumb terminal setup cause my mum REALLY wants a better setup XD.

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buy her a cheap laptop off of walmart.com or tigerdirect or something you'll save $700 or more and she'll leave you alone. :P my dell is 6 years old and runs fine not great for gaming but it gets the job done. (i've got 1.5Gb's of ram and a 256Mb graphics card as upgrades) she must be running a celeron if its as bad as you say.

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For the PSU I'd get this instead. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817139013


My friend has the 650TX which is basically same just less wattage, and it's really stable and quiet too. I'd stick with the 920 too, I don't see you saving that much by going with a 860 and if you did you'd lose tri channel bandwidth on the memory.

Edited by OrangeJuice

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For the PSU I'd get this instead. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817139013


My friend has the 650TX which is basically same just less wattage, and it's really stable and quiet too. I'd stick with the 920 too, I don't see you saving that much by going with a 860 and if you did you'd lose tri channel bandwidth on the memory.


Sweet, thanks. BTW, a little change is that since i'm not doing any OC'ing, i'm not bothering with the noctua just yet, or the sound card just yet either. Also, I'm gonna change my graphics card selection to the 5970 :D. I'm gonna be a little over budget, but i think having the 5970 is gonna be worth it

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