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LN2 and DICE


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Its prob been done to death but this is more for the UK ppl .(me)


In a nut shell "Where the hell can i get some"

Not sure what its like in the US but in the UK you cant buy a turd without a licence, So if there are any brits out there with any ideas can you give me a msg.


I have a mate in the US that sends me stuff i cant get in the UK but dont think he can post LN :)

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Dry ice is probably the easiest to obtain first since you don't need a dewar to store it. A simple insulated box will do the trick. They use some for food conservation and welding I think. So you can look around.


Here we have stores specialized in dry ice and liquid gases. They are Praxair and Air Liquide.

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check with your local grocery store. Alot of time they will ship things in with dry ice, and they usually don't do anything with it after hand.


I think that's the jist of what Smith was saying... "Food conservation" >_<

Edited by P

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Not realy tbh. Its about 5 hours away plus a 1.5 hour boat ride. There is the North Sea between us :)



Been thinking about this over night and going to try and cool the water with something. Dont mean for one off cooling mean 24/7 was going to use a fridge but not very practical.So thinking of making/adapting say an office water cooler?


Think i have to much time on my hands .


I only use that rig for playing games so only gets run for ?? 30 mins/hour so should be able to get the water to 2/5oC

Edited by Danny_75

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HAHA, What's wrong with simple water cooling? HuGE Radiator... I mean .. if you needz that much cooling, you can go to your junkyard and get a radiator and .. umm.. FAN! ( Of course I'd leave it outside due to the noise factor ) ... haha

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Dont like running rads you need fans and that makes noise. Iam in the motor trade i have ppl that can put 1/2inc fittings on any core ( car,bike,bus ) just doesnt cool the water enough, I want condensation on the pipes :)

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So am I Carl! I never did get to play around with LN2 but DICE is so much fun! Too bad you live in Quebec or I would say come on over and lets play around with some DICE or I would come up there and play with some LN2


Danny_75, check out an ice creme shop...thats were I get my DICE from in Michigan. they sell it 10# for 10$ which makes it very doable on pretty much any budget once you get the DICE pot. the insulation isnt too bad either, I think a roll cost me 15$ and has lasted me 3 runs so far and I still have 25% of it left! The last run that I did lasted me a good 4-5 hours and that was with 10# of DICE and I still had a little bit left. oh and forgot to mention the liquid I use inside of the pot is 91% isopropanol which you can get at the grocery store for like 2.20$ a bottle

Edited by gotdamojo06

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