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Benchmark affinity testing

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Just for the heck of it I decided to test out the affinity settings on some Benchmark programs.



Testing done on my Xeon X3220 (Q6600) @ stock speeds.


cpusz.th.jpg memut.th.jpg


GeekBench 2.1.4 (32 Bit)-

1 core- 2169

2 cores- 2927

3 cores- 3410

4 cores- 4367

MaxxPI2 1.5-

16M of Pi:

1 Core 1 minute, 17 seconds, 110 milliseconds, 817 microseconds

2 Cores 50 seconds, 673 milliseconds, 626 microseconds

3 Cores 50 seconds, 656 milliseconds, 421 microseconds

4 Cores 36 seconds, 855 milliseconds, 528 microseconds






Give me some ideas on pure CPU based benchmarks or things to try and I'll run those as well.


I've got PCmark downloading, I'm going to try that out as well...



This doesn't really prove anything, I was just bored

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