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Point Of View 9800GT 512 overclocking


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Hi Guys,


i recently purchased a Point Of View 9800GT 512mb Graphics Card.


I was wondering if its overclockable and if so what the most stable specs are?


Please Help.

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If you want us to throw numbers at you, that may not work. You can look up your card and check out some reviews.

You can use some overclocking software to overclock your card. You can try out rivatuner. To help you with overclocking your card.

Then after that. You can use benchmarking software to see how stable your system is.


There is 3Dmark06, 3Dmark05, 3DmarkVantage.

And some others that I can't think of at the moment.


Plus if you gave us the specs of the machine. That would help as well.


When ever you need some help just ask.


Oh! I almost forgot. :smack:




Welcome To Occ

Edited by OwinC

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Thanks so much,


I think the hardest part is that there are absolutely NO reviews on the POV 9800GT,


I am currently running the following:


AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE

Asus M3N78-VM mobo

4gigs Kingston DDR2 800

POV Geforce 9800Gt 512mb


I am a SUPER-NOOB when it comes to OC so how do I even start??


I overclocked my CPU to a stable 3.85ghz last night using instructions from a review i had so I

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First download Nvidia System Tools: http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_system_tools_6.05.html


After the installation go to Nvidia control panel and in the Performance section click in "Device Settings".


Now you ill see a zone that says Clock Speeds and it should be "Factory Shipped Frequencies" as default. Instead of it, click Custom and you can now change the clock speeds manually.


In the bottom you can also see a Cooling zone. Click "Manual Control" if you want to adjust the fan speed.


As far from frequencies, check reviews of other versions of your GPU and see what was the maximum overclock they were capable and choose similar clocks yourself.


Don't forget to test in games and benchmarks for some problems like crashes and artifacts. If that happens low your clock a little until no problems are found.


From a review:


I then went about overclocking the core and memory reaching 710Mhz and 2000Mhz respectively. Any further pushing and 3dMark 06 showed instability by either loss of detection of the card, BSOD or artefacting.


Try dropping 20Mhz in those settings and see if you have issues. if you don't raise the clock some more.

Edited by ScapeGoat

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