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srry..noob overclock question


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ive always built my computers,, bough parts, got lik 3 rigs right now, but never even touched my mind on overlcoking. here i am at my cousins house being asked to overclock since he sees me with all this hightech computer stuff...and i dont know what to do. i use clock gen.......only gets stable to 2.4ghz from 2.2ghz. i gave my 754 mobo to him......and so im wondering........is the ram overlocking affecting the overall cpu overclock, cuz its locked with the fsb and cpu frequency, i cant change individual values, and i think its the ram thats holding the cpu overclock potential back, is that it? its running 40 degrees idle at a 200mhz overclock. It gets only to 50 degrees when load. there is a modded bios online i could get, should i get it so it will let me indiviudally increase the ram and let me actually change voltage, right now its stock 1.412v at 2.4ghz, what voltage should get me to atleast 2.6ghz???? Ive adjusted the fan speeds to 100 percent.im not sure if its the ram holding me back right now, its at 220mhz, 440mhz effective (old pc3200). if there is no solution, iwas thinking about getting an athlon 4000+ 754, mobile, but some people say it might not read the cpu as it is mobile, others say its the same socket and should work. help overclocking plez.....and wil be using a new heatsink i found lying around that is much better than the one on the cpu now.


(wanna play cod4 with him online)hahahah

Edited by junkman32

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ive installed the new fan, but i need more oc...

we're gonna need alot more information in order to help you....mobo, cpu, ram type/speed, operating system and everything else you can think of....the more info you provide the easier it will be to figure out.....give us your system specs and we'll go from there :D

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we're gonna need alot more information in order to help you....mobo, cpu, ram type/speed, operating system and everything else you can think of....the more info you provide the easier it will be to figure out.....give us your system specs and we'll go from there :D

Emachines w3107 (bare with me..........here..)

FIC k8mc5ig

ddr pc3200 ram

Athlon 3200+ Venice. 1.412v. 2.2ghz default. oc to 2.4ghz Socket 754

Nvidia Crush 51 chipset

XFX Radeon 4890


default bios doesnt allow bios overclocking options, modded overlcoking bios is available though, should i just flash it to the mobo and use that instead so i could change vcore since there is no software to do that?? and is it the ram thats holding me back, i really dont feel like overlcoking it.

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Emachines w3107 (bare with me..........here..)

FIC k8mc5ig

ddr pc3200 ram

Athlon 3200+ Venice. 1.412v. 2.2ghz default. oc to 2.4ghz Socket 754

Nvidia Crush 51 chipset

XFX Radeon 4890


default bios doesnt allow bios overclocking options, modded overlcoking bios is available though, should i just flash it to the mobo and use that instead so i could change vcore since there is no software to do that?? and is it the ram thats holding me back, i really dont feel like overlcoking it.

Can you change the ram multiplier or loosen the timings?

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Emachines w3107 (bare with me..........here..)

FIC k8mc5ig

ddr pc3200 ram

Athlon 3200+ Venice. 1.412v. 2.2ghz default. oc to 2.4ghz Socket 754

Nvidia Crush 51 chipset

XFX Radeon 4890


default bios doesnt allow bios overclocking options, modded overlcoking bios is available though, should i just flash it to the mobo and use that instead so i could change vcore since there is no software to do that?? and is it the ram thats holding me back, i really dont feel like overlcoking it.

it looks like you can update to an improved bios here: http://www.e4me.com/support/product_suppor...amp;model=W3107 and this page includes upates drivers for your mobo. all you need do is enter your operating system and the model letter/type of your particular computer and then it appears you can download the bios uprade directly to your desktop or documents and then intall. and to answer you question "yes" then you should be able to adjust your vcore and perhaps even your ram settings if you're lucky.....if it turns out the bios upate includes ram adjustments then you will need to download a free application from the web called cpu-z which when installed will allow you to see what your ram dividers are. hopefully you'll then be able to reset your ram to faster timing spec....


now after having said that keep in mind that most/not all proprietary systems like yours are "locked by the manufacturer" and few settings are adjustable but every now and then it's your turn to have a lucky day...

good luck with that junkman32






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