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Oc help Phenom 955 ONLY QUESTION.


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Hey.. first of all, sorry for the bad english..


well, the topic says it all,this is just a question,( i'm new on this OC stuff)


i have my phenom 955 BE oc to 3.9 with a cpuvoltage of= 1.5750 temps= 40 idle around 49, 51 load.( watercooling)


Is it too much voltage for that frequency? if a put 1.5625 in prime95 the system crash.., and i don't want to oc the processor to 4.0ghz without knowing if that voltage is dangerous..


another specs: CPU/NB VOLTAGE: 1.35

DramV: 1.86

CPU/NB freq: 2.6ghz

cpu freq: 200 X 19.5


Waiting for an answer.. thnx a lot guys!



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Hey.. first of all, sorry for the bad english..


well, the topic says it all,this is just a question,( i'm new on this OC stuff)


i have my phenom 955 BE oc to 3.9 with a cpuvoltage of= 1.5750 temps= 40 idle around 49, 51 load.( watercooling)


Hallo !

1.575v is very veeery high !!

i go big Watercooling very fast 4125mhz now with only 1,535v on cpu and 1,48v on NB\cpu.


Read the " Amd 4000mhz and beyond, Help each other with settings to go as far as possible "


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I seen some peep running 1.6v on a phenom2 on water. He has been at 1.6 for over 3 months no problems yet. The max a lot of ppl want is ~1.5v some go up to 1.55v. As long as your staying cool and you dont mind if you have to get a new CPU in a year then go for it. Its about all it can do is shorten the life. No one knows how long these CPUs will last anyway, they seem really tough. It may last a long while like that....... I seen my friend had his 720 at 1.7v just for 3400mhz. He OCed it with the volts on auto on a hummer mother board. It has a glitchy bios and it messed up. He didnt know why his computer kept rebooting, lol. It was getting past 70c and shutting off. I was like, omg what the heck hey your burning up your cpu. It was a stock cooler on top of it all. I put his volts down to 1.35v and it is still working fine today that was 6 months ago. So these phenom2s are tough. but those high volts are always a risk, if you are willing to take it is up to you.

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I see! well trust me i don't really like to put the phenom on that voltage! it was just a stress test and it seems that it cannot run under 1.57 without crashing..


Maybe the cpu/nb V is too low ? .. thanks a lot anyway guys.. i'll read the guide that robban swe says..



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