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Would Like to Improve my OC


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Hey all,


I've been thinking about the way my rig's set up and would like to make some changes if it would help to improve my OC (whether just being able to lower Vcore or push the chip further). I also feel that 1.5v is wayy to high for only 3.4ghz... so I'd like to rectify this if at all possible.


As of right now, I have my cores running at 3.4GHz (200x17) w/ 1.5v, NB at 2.2GHz w/ 1.26v, HTT at stock, and RAM at 1600mhz 7-7-6-24.


3.4GHz is plenty for me, but I'm more personally wary of the 1.5v, I'd like to lower that at least, and produce less heat.


So i was just wondering if the changes/questions following will affect an OC:


1) Phenom2 chips have a max supported 1333mhz ddr3 for only 2 dimms. So running them @1600mhz is theoretically OCing the mem controller, right? If I dropped the RAM down to 1333mhz and tightened timings, I would likely get the same real world performance as 1600 @7-7-6-24. Would doing this potentially contribute to my cause?


2) Can having a multi-gpu system affect a max OC? i have 2 3870s CF'd at the moment, and with the soon to be released 5800 series, I plan to upgrade to a single card config soon. will reverting to a single card help me at all? ( I also game at 1280x1024[at the moment, I want to get a Samsung 22/2333sw] so CF isnt really dong anything for me besides eating powah, and somewhat increasing my e-penis)


3) I am also currently using the 790GX's IGP radeon 3300 to handle my second monitor. I absolutely can have my 3870s control my second monitor, however, I set it up this way so I could save the 3870s' full power for gaming. In all likelihood, it would make probably a very slim hit to gaming performance. So will disabling the IGP also help/allow me to improve upon my OC?


Thanks in advance! And I look forward to all your responses :thumbs-up:


EDIT: a few spelling errors :rolleyes:

Edited by fearspartan117

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1. Lowering the speed and tighteneing the timings may indeed help the OC on your cpu and may be part of the reason for needing the higher vcore. No garauntee's, only one way to find out. Once a certain speed is reached, many times tighter timings get better benchmarks than more mhz and lose timings. Either way, a little either way you'll surely never be able to feel, but again, may help with the cpu's memory controller.


2. no, unless they are making a ton of heat and that heat is being pushed onto the cpu.


3. no

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