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ram overclocking predicament


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So I overclocked my ram to 1600 mhz 5-7-5-16 at qpi/dram core voltage 1.25v and dram bus 1.5, I then proceeded to run a little over 100 instances of memtest+5 and 12 hours of all of memtest+. I would have run memtest longer but I saw that only 2GB of memory that were being tested even tough 3x2GB were in and thought "crap 2 sticks of my memory broken." Well I set everything back to stock and all sticks showed up. SO apparently one of my sticks can run at 5-7-5-16@1600Mhz, and right now I am running memtest at 6-7-5-18 on all 6GB and its working properly.


So I have tried qpi/dram core voltage 1.375v and dram bus 1.656v at 5-7-5-18@1600Mhz and that only showed 1 stick again so my question is how do I get it to show all sticks at 5-7-5? I don't even need it to work well, I just need to see it work long enough to open and fail memtest at my max voltages so that I can cross it off the list.


Anyone had this happen before? Is this a google it thing and I just can't figure out the correct words to google?



(short version, I ran memtest+ with oc'ed ram and only 1 stick showed up but it passed 12hours of all of memtest+ and over 100 passes of test 5 with great timings (5-7-5-16@1600Mhz), and I want to know how to make it all show up in memtest+ at this timing or why it won't and can't.)

Edited by xchrissypoox

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So your running 3x2Gb's of Mushkin DDR3-1600


As far as I can see, this is what you have?



Now your really not overclocking the ram, your just running it with tighter timings.

Tighter timings may give you a few more points in benchmarking, but in real world apps, you'll see no difference, and can cause instability, crash's, freeze's.....


Since it's stock timings are 6-7-6-18, I would re-set your timings back to stock.

Plus make sure it's getting it's proper DIMM voltage 1.65V


Mushkin is very good quality memory. I have had good experience in running it faster than stock speeds. You could probably get that set to run1650MHz to 1675MHz, and maybe faster if you loosen the timings some more.


Good luck

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