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P5Q Bus @ 1776


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Hello again. I tried OCing my my cpu(Q9650) to 4.0GHz last night, and was able to do it for a short play of crysis before my vid card shut down =( My vid card seems to be the biggest winer in the case..lol

anywho, My CPU has a max multiplier of 9x, which means the only way to exceed 3.6GHz is to push my FSB past its max(1600). I ran for a while last night with these settings:


FSB 444, rated 1776Mhz

CPU @ 9x

RAM(800Mhz) @ 896 or something


the CPU temp was hitting 82 max during loading for crysis, but stayed around 78-79 max during gameplay.

I put my finger on the bus and it was blazing hot, but still ran. My mobo is a regular p5q btw, with the junky think fins, not the nice one with the heat tubes and all that..


If I put my clocks on my vid card back down, Im sure it will hang in there, but I am wondering, in this condition, how long can My comp sustain this kind of operation before I cook something?

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While it may be cool and all to have such a high overclock do you really need it for daily activities? Are you willing/able to replace things if something should overheat and breakdown? If no then clock it back down. If yes then you may need additional cooling. Aftermarket northbridge is an option. A better CPU heatsink may be needed. Cleaning up the cabling inside the case to acheive better airflow. Additional fans or higher CFM fans for your case may help bring temperatures down.

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Not long!!!!!!!!!!!


Highest safe operating temp is 72c

Highest safe cpu voltage is 1.3625v

This is according to Intel.


Now I'm not saying you can't run it at 4GHz! You just need a better cpu cooler, than the stock one that came with it!


Exceeding your 1600FSB isn't a big deal.


It sounds to me as though you have some voltages set to high!


Actually 3.6GHz should be all you should ever need for gaming!

Plus I agree with everything rourkchris had said!

Edited by Inteller

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The Sonata III is a sleek case, but not very well suited for overclocking and/or high-end systems


Although you can probably clock that Q9650 to 3.6 GHz while leaving it at stock voltage

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While it may be cool and all to have such a high overclock do you really need it for daily activities? Are you willing/able to replace things if something should overheat and breakdown? If no then clock it back down. If yes then you may need additional cooling. Aftermarket northbridge is an option. A better CPU heatsink may be needed. Cleaning up the cabling inside the case to acheive better airflow. Additional fans or higher CFM fans for your case may help bring temperatures down.


The only thing that really needs that clock is Crysis. It is FINALLY able to run smoothly at 1920x1080@High once I get up to 4Ghz. Thats why I was asking how long it could last for..LoL I have played through Crysis first episode, but unless I can sustain the above specs, I probably wont go out and buy Crysis Warhead. I only really need it to hold out for the duration of finishing that game's single player.

I hacked up a few pictures from Google to show my cooling setup.




I have it clocked back down to 3.6 for the time being.

By northbridge though, do you buying an aftermarket heatsink for it?


Highest safe operating temp is 72c

Highest safe cpu voltage is 1.3625v


Exceeding your 1600FSB isn't a big deal.


Actually 3.6GHz should be all you should ever need for gaming!


I know the official temp spec, but 3.6 is already a little higher than the official clock ;)

I run 3.6Ghz @ 1.20 volts Stable.

I was worried about the FSB because even at 1600FSB, it felt really hot when I put my finger on it. hotter than my vid card or factory cpu heatsink ever got, BUT, I read a few posts above, and there is a guy up there with his FSB at 2252!!! LOL..

so I guess my tiny little 1776Mhz bus is not such a big deal...I did buy the P5Q with the cheap heatsinks on the board though. I don't know what that guy was using. P5Q is a pretty decent board for OCing isn't it? even the standard one?


and for Crysis, 3.6Ghz surprisingly, is not even close to enough for smooth gameplay at 1920x1080@High =(


The Sonata III is a sleek case, but not very well suited for overclocking and/or high-end systems

What do you think of my case mods?

Edited by Enjin

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What do you think of my case mods?


You know what would help the most and cost nothing but a little amount of time? Clean those wires! If you face those HDD's the other way it'll certainly help, if I'm not mistaken there's room above the drive cage to route wires.


I wouldn't cut into the case personally. Can you squeeze a fan between the video and card and the drive cage? I guess not since it was tight with a 8800GT though. Removing some unused PCI brackets to let out hot air from under the video card should help as well

Edited by Zertz

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You know what would help the most and cost nothing but a little amount of time? Clean those wires! If you face those HDD's the other way it'll certainly help, if I'm not mistaken there's room above the drive cage to route wires.


I wouldn't cut into the case personally. Can you squeeze a fan between the video and card and the drive cage? I guess not since it was tight with a 8800GT though. Removing some unused PCI brackets to let out hot air from under the video card should help as well


I already moved the HDs up into the floppy bay..they are totally out of the way. Guess I should have just borrowed a camera..LoL..

no room for a fan on the side either =/


I am gonna rearrange some wires though.. because I think my intake fan may be re-circulating hot air through the case, so I have to block off the spots where hot air can come back in.

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I'd suggest selling your 4870X2 and getting a GTX295, Crysis plays better on nVidia cards.


That or buy a 4870, and run tri fire.


A Q9650 at 3.6GHz is more than enough to run Crysis.

If it's not, then you should take a look at your background running programs!

Edited by Inteller

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I've run Crysis on a pair of 4890s and a Q9550 @ 3.4Ghz and it played smooth without any lag. I would first look into a quality CPU cooler and clean up the case wiring. More graphics horsepower if you feel like you need it would be another option. Crysis or not you really need to bring those temps down a lot.

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I've run Crysis on a pair of 4890s and a Q9550 @ 3.4Ghz and it played smooth without any lag. I would first look into a quality CPU cooler and clean up the case wiring. More graphics horsepower if you feel like you need it would be another option. Crysis or not you really need to bring those temps down a lot.



Ok! I found batteries for my digi cam.

Here's what I ended up doing:




I thought about getting a second 4870, but I would also have to swap my board out to get the second PCI-E slot, ect, ect...


Im just gonna do what I can with this rig, which btw isn't half bad. 4Ghz was hot, but Im sure I could do 3.8 stable. It does play Crysis at 1080p on High, but the Frames Dip uncomfortably low at times when there is big explosions and so on.


I really do believe its the chip, because a lot of the choppyness went away at 4Ghz, like in the level "Assault" where the second plane crashes into the mountain...Beautiful....Fully Smooth. But I get some chop when the VTOL's door first opens and there are explosions.


anywho, for my next rig, Im waiting on a few things:

->Intel i5 3.46GHz factory clock with integrated GPU...OmG!#$$! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_futur...microprocessors

->ATI 5800 Series DX11 cards

->price drops LOL


edit- Grr...my gpus hit 72 and 76 degrees C during play OCed at 777Mhz a piece, and mem at 1Ghz.... and from what I have heard, my card is not reference so no waterblocks will fit it <_<

So tempted to buy a new board and a 4890...Grrr

Edited by Enjin

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