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need help with memory choice for Asus P5Q Deluxe

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Hi everyone,

I'm going into my 2nd computer build soon but still not sure which memory to choose. The mobo's gonna be Asus P5Q Deluxe.


And generally, which memory do you suggest with this mb? I'm looking for 2x 2GB (1066) DDR2


So far, I've been reading about Corsair (DOMINATOR) CM2x2048-8500C5D... any better option?

How about GEIL in terms of compatibility? Which one would go better with P5Q-Deluxe?


BTW, I just wonder how likely is it that I run into issues if I choose a memory which is not included in the official QVL?

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I've never run into RAM issues with any Asus boards and I've used quite a few. There's no way they can test every RAM vendor and every memory size and configuration. Personally I've always used Mushkin RAM and Asus boards and never run into any compatability issues. Until recently I had a P5Q Pro and ran Mushkin DDR2 800 and 1066 RAM and they ran like a dream.


Just pick the RAM you want at the speed, timings, and price that fit your needs. It's very unlikely that you'll run into any problems.

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Thanks guys, I see OCZ is really popular; I hope I could find a pair among my local retailers.


BTW, does overclocking really shortens the system life severely or it's just ok!? If so, what percentage do you suggest me to do so? I see a lot of ppl overclocking but just don't know to what extent

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