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Help me OC a q9550 on a GA EP45-UD3


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I am somewhat of a newb @ overclocking, and I would really like some help from someone that knows what they are doing.


My rig:


MB: Gigabyte GA EP45-UD3L

CPU: q9550 (2.83)

CPU Cooler: Zalman CNPS7500 LED (with the speed control switch)


RAM: 8 gigs (4x2gig) corsair "dominator" 1066 DDRII w/ heatsink/+fans

GPU: HIS 4870 1 gig. Stock speeds, but unlocked in CCC and Fan set to 35%

Case: antec 900 (tons of fans including a big one on top blowing out)

HDD: standard WD SATA 320 gig

OS: x64 Vista Pro.


Ok, hopefully that is enough information for starters.

I have fooled around a bit in BIOS, and managed to raise the FSB to 400 instead of 333, set the RAM freq. to the 2.66D (i think) which made it say 1066/1066 which I think is what it should be...


I did nothing to voltages or mch strap or any of that stuff as it confuses me.


Those changes put the cpu @ 3.4 ghz and it seems very stable. I let prime95 run for a few hours, and then checked temps and the hottest core was barely breaking 60C.


I suppose there is probably more that I can do. I don't want to go nuts since I have no watercooling, but I would like to fully maximize the potential of my system, and I am not sure what if anything I should be changing re: voltages, nor if I have the RAM stuff set properly. Should it be 1:1 what ever that means?



I would be eternally grateful if someone with experience with this board could help me...tell me exactly what should be set to what in the intelligent tweaker. I suppose I can probably go higher than this 3.4 but I'm unsure of what changes need to be made to the voltages, mch, etc.




Thanks in advance for any help I receive here!


p.s. I know to google board+cpu etc etc. I've read and read, and tried things for hours on end. I am just struggling with this stuff...a lot of it confuses me. I am hoping I can find someone w/ a similar rig that would be kind enough to just tell me what to set things at...

Edited by Suftop

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Those changes put the cpu @ 3.4 ghz and it seems very stable. I let prime95 run for a few hours, and then checked temps and the hottest core was barely breaking 60C.


If your breaking 60c @ 3.4GHz during prime95, then your as far as you should go!

You need a better cpu cooler to overclock more!


What is your cpu vcore set to???


I have seen Q9550's OC'ed to 4.5, @ 1.48v cpu vcore

But they also had a better cpu cooler!

You can try setting your cpu pll to 1.6

set your NB voltage to 1.4v to 1.45v

Check your DIMM voltage, and make sure it's running at it's rated voltage, then if it is, you could bump it up by 0.02v or 0.04v


But at those cpu temps, don't add anymore vcore voltage!

Edited by Inteller

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  • 3 weeks later...
If your breaking 60c @ 3.4GHz during prime95, then your as far as you should go!

You need a better cpu cooler to overclock more!


What is your cpu vcore set to???


I have seen Q9550's OC'ed to 4.5, @ 1.48v cpu vcore

But they also had a better cpu cooler!

You can try setting your cpu pll to 1.6

set your NB voltage to 1.4v to 1.45v

Check your DIMM voltage, and make sure it's running at it's rated voltage, then if it is, you could bump it up by 0.02v or 0.04v


But at those cpu temps, don't add anymore vcore voltage!

Hello everyone, am new here and i would like to thank you ppl for this great forum for being so detailed and informative


Since i tried to search for topics inside this forum regarding Q9550 overclocking on Gigabyte UD3R MB, but i didn't find any, so i would appreciated if someone showed me links or help me in my issue.


I'm trying to overclock my Q9550 to 3.8 but it's not stable, i've read too many forums but i didn't find help, if someone can post BIOS settings that would be great.




My rig:

Q9550 E0 - Zalman9700 cooling

8GB OCZ platinum (1066)

150GB Raptor

Motherboard Gigabyte EP45-UD3R

850 WATT PSU Gigabyte


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What's the highest stable overclock you've achieved so far? What settings have got you that far? What temps? What program are you using for stability testing?


Since you've read many forums already, I'd hope that you've also learned that even with the same exact hardware, same exact settings, you will not achieve the same results.

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What's the highest stable overclock you've achieved so far? What settings have got you that far? What temps? What program are you using for stability testing?


Since you've read many forums already, I'd hope that you've also learned that even with the same exact hardware, same exact settings, you will not achieve the same results.

Ok my vcore is at 1.38, CPU termination 1.3, CPU PLL 1.5, CPU reference 0.863 (although i don't know what is it for)


Other settings on auto, DRAM Performance Enhance "standard"


Cores idle at 31-30-34-34, under load 62-59-63-64, as for stability test progs am using Prime95 (BSOD after 1-2 hrs of blend test) and intelburntest (fails after 2-3 tests)

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