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OC issue


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I occasionally get an error message "video driver stopped responding" it then recovers shortly after.


I've stress tested it with OCCT (1hr), Prime95 (12hrs) and intel burn test. and it tests stable (GPU's at factory settings). I back down on the the OC and I stop getting the error.


The error occurs while gaming and F@H (not at the same time). I have actually seen this error on 2 systems, the i7 (in sig) and a 775 (QX9750/lanparty jr/HD4850/vista premum).


I have the PCI speed set at 100..


On the QX9750 it starts doing it when I up the multiplyer (at 8 it's fine, 8.5 F@Hgives an error and video driver stops/restarts) (FSB is set at 400).. but passes stress testing..

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Have you tried stressing your graphics cars with 3DMark03, 3DMark06, or 3DMark Vantage?


Aside from that, an older driver may be your answer.


I don't know about the Gigabyte boards, but in the bios on my board, I have a option to step up the PCI-E voltage, and I run mine one step higher than normal, and have been for quite some time.


So yours recovers by itself?


I used to get that with a video card, a while back, but had to reboot for the problem to be resolved. Plus it only occurred when I was overclocking the video card.


Do you have PhysX enabled? If so, maybe try disabling it?


Not sure if anything I said will help you out

But good luck!

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Have you tried stressing your graphics cars with 3DMark03, 3DMark06, or 3DMark Vantage?


Aside from that, an older driver may be your answer.


I don't know about the Gigabyte boards, but in the bios on my board, I have a option to step up the PCI-E voltage, and I run mine one step higher than normal, and have been for quite some time.


So yours recovers by itself?


I used to get that with a video card, a while back, but had to reboot for the problem to be resolved. Plus it only occurred when I was overclocking the video card.


Do you have PhysX enabled? If so, maybe try disabling it?


Not sure if anything I said will help you out

But good luck!


Thanks, I'll try upping the PCI voltage a notch when I get home (at work currently). it just seemed weird that on the other system when I up the multiplyer on the cpu the video started acting up, I didnt think they where related.. was thinking about messing with the PCI buss speed or maybe the south bridge voltages..


and no I havent tried stressing my graphic's cards as i havent OC'ed them yet...

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