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Athlon II X2 Overclocking Guide?

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I just bought a Athlon II X2 240, and i was able to get it to the speed of the 250 (3.0ghz) without much fooling around with the vcore settings and such. I'm not really ready to go higher without a guide, and i was wondering if there were any out there that could help me.


Thanks in advance, even if you cannot find anything!


Also i'm abit new, if this is in the wrong section, could a mod please move it.

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here ya arrr, mi amigo. Dolk's Guide has helped me take my x3 720 to 3.4ghz, and it is very comprehensive, so it is only natural that i must pass on this great thread of knowledge. :lol: Hope this helps, which it should.


oh and Welcome to the OCC!

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