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I Attempted First overclock. Need Help


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is there a down side to running the blend test in prime versus other? as in does it not stress it enough or something?


Nope , unless you have overclocked ram

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Hello again,


So far when I left for work this morning I was at 12 hours on prime95 SFF test with no errors and temps were actually lower than what I had with the blend test (go figure??)


Blend test: 73-75c max load temps


SFF: Much larger range: 68-73c max load temps


Not sure what the real difference is between the test but something's going on lol.

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Well I did some minor fsb tweaking (very slight increase) back in the amd thunderbird processor days (prior to 1 ghz threashhold was common) but since just that simple thing many years ago, yes it is. I would just like to get my temps down more but that is going to take either water cooling or prob a little more than 100+ bucks on air cooling parts. But for everyday use it seems fine at those temps.

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