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Overclocking I7

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I am totally clueless on why I can't get my processor to hit 3.3 Ghz. I've gotten so close where it successfully passes the 2 hour test, but when I throw it the 8 hour test it fails (OCCT). I've tried increasing the CPU VTT Voltage and the Special add (one at a time) with no success.

I can get my computer to 3.26 Ghz (with a special add of 100.47% (Everything else stock))



Here's my specs:

Motherboard: DFI LANPARTY UT X58-T3eH8 (1.0)

Processor: Intel Core i7 920 Nehalem 2.66GHz (C0/C1)

RAM: OCZ DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) (OCZ3G16004GK) (Timing : 8-8-8-24)


BIOS Info:

Date: 2009-06-19


Voltage Info:

CPU VID Control: 1.28125V

CPU VID Special Add: 104.48%

DRAM Bus Voltage: 1.905V (Ram Requires 1.9V

CPU VTT Voltage: 1.42V


CPU Core Voltage: 1.32


Everything else is stock


Overclock Info:

QPI Frequency: 4.800GT/s (BCLK*18*2)

CPU Base Clock (BCLK): 166 MHz


I've gotten the CPU Core voltage up to 1.34 and it seems to get more unstable, yet I increased the special add one at a time so I don't understand what more I need to do. Is 3.20 the highest I can go?


Edited by helpcomp2003

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Ok Start from Scratch


Vcoreto 1.25 no special add.

VTT to 1.3

IOH 1.2

Vdimm to 1.65, 1.9 is to high for long term use with the IMC


You should be able to 166x20 with ease


Drop the memory speed down until your CPU is stable then find the best combination to get you to where you need to go.


Your memory appears to be a DDR3 kit not designed to work with the low memory voltage required with the i7 and that may be the root of your problem right there.


1.9v to the IMC (Integrated memory controller) without the requisite increase in VTT volts can cook your chip. With memory kits made to work with the 1.65v spec costing less than or around$100 you should return the memory and get what the system calls for. Here are a couple kits that I can say work well and are priced fairly reasonable.


OCZ Platinum 7-7-7-24 $112


Patriot Viper Series $90


Mushkin 9-9-9-24 $121


Kinston T1 9-9-9-27 $142 These will Run 8-8-8


Crucial 9-9-9-24 $110



The Mushkin Modules are what we use in our testbed systems for reviews

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Use either CPU VID Control or CPU VID Special Add. There is no benefit of using both. If using SpeedStep the preferred method is Special Add with CPU VID Control set to Auto. At idle the voltage will decrease along with the clock speed with no issues of instability. Your issue is most likely the VTT voltage. With the ram at 1.9V you need at least 1.45V VTT to keep the IMC happy. The problem is your ram nor CPU speed is high enough to require that much VTT resulting in instability. Set the memory multiplier to 6x. That will result in a bit less then 1000 memory speed but will allow you to have a point to work from. Lower VTT and VCORE and adjust both until you achieve stability. Then you can try increasing the memory multiplier and playing with the voltages to bring stability back.

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Thanks ccokeman and Praz.

I'll do just that, emailed OCZ and will attempt to call them tomorrow about getting different ram (Was planning on getting Platinum 7-7-7-24).


I was thinking about increasing VTT to 1.45 earlier but didn't do it.


I'll let you know how it goes, if I don't have any luck I'll put it to 163x20 until I buy a new memory kit, I'll probably get Mushkin if OCZ won't accept the ram.



Edit: It's stable first try too! Thanks everyone!

Edited by helpcomp2003

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The only reason I stated 1.45V VTT is the board slightly overvolts memory. At 1.90V you are probably at 1.930V - 1.940V actual. I haven't used Mushkiin with that board but it should work ok. I normally test DFI boards with Kingston, G.Skill and OCZ .

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From the PSU thread. Basically same board same specs cept I have the mushkin kit. Can't push beyond 3.62 any ideas why not?

Have you tried the 8x memory divider?

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I tried a variety of other ram options while I was at it as well as a x6 memory divider. No luck. Danged thing won't boot at any bclk frequency between 182mhz and 200mhz but will boot at 200mhz and won't boot past 200mhz whether voltage is increased or not and the 200mhz/4.0gHz is terribly unstable. I'm lucky if I can get into vista and sometimes it BSODs 1-10min after boot. Even if I attempt to increase the voltage more it just seems to get more unstable. 4.0gHz will boot successfully at 1.42v and up but no lower and lower frequencyes don't work between the current 1.26v-1.42v. Its really weird I don't wonder if its the chip or if its the mobo then.

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The board may have a FSB hole that large although I haven't seen it on any yet. I have one here that will not boot at 198 BCLK but any other number is fine.

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