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OCing an E8400

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Currently trying to OC my E8400, all spec are in my sig. However Im running into a brick wall, everything I try to get the FSB past 370 has fail. It runs fine without any voltage changes to anything >= 370, but even 5 mhz past that everything begins to fail. Sure the system boots up fine past 385 but I would rly like to know my system isnt screwing anything up in the process :D. The only real thing I have been able to play with is my memory divider, since the board im using doesnt give me direct access. Here picks of the part of my bios im using to OC. I know everythings at auto but i put everything back to factory standards and never messed with those again. I also understand some to the voltage controls but some of them im completely clueless with.

Bios Info #1

Bios Info #2

Bios Info #3

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OK the rams been added, there both 1066 but the problems iv been having is that i have to lower the multiplier on the bios to get both sets for work with the other set. Idk why it dose that and i know the ram isnt bad since I did a memtest on each set of ram both indepently and together and all way passed without a single error(4 passes each test).

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Why do you have two 2 gig ram sticks and two 1 gig ram sticks? That is what is messing you up. And also the max you should expect on stock voltages is 400 mhz fsb, granted you take one set of sticks out. Mixing stick sizes isn't great especially when you start overclocking. I'll get you started on 4ghz. Use these settings: CPU PLL: 1.67v, FSB 1.2v, CPU Ref 0.76v, vCore 1.36xx with Load Line Calibration enabled, should be around 1.32 volts actual, Ram 2-2.1v, All other ram settings auto, ram at the 2.00B or D setting or 2.40B if the ram will run that fast, MCH core 1.3v, MCH/Dram auto, MCH Ref 0.72v, ICH I/O auto, ICH core auto. Tell me how it works out.

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