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well i would just like to introduce my self. been reading lots of reviews from the site and just love it so i finally decided to sign up.


My Setup is:

AMD Phenom I 9850 BE @ 3.0Ghz @ Air Cooler Master V10

InWin B2 Bomber Case

Foxconn Destroyer

Fatal1ty (2x2GB) @ 1066 5-5-5-15

BFG Tech GTX 260 OC Maxcore

BFG Tech 550W PSU

Seagate 500GB SATA

Vista Ultimate 32bit


Now for the issue. I have been having problems of random shutdowns while playing games on 1080p 4AA with Vsync on a 46" TV. now theres no warning or anything and i dont have my bios set to shutdown at certain temps. My CPU idles at 35 C and loads anywhere from 45 to 50 C. Im thinking I may have RAM issues cause the Fatal1ty i have is running @ 5-5-5-15 but is rated at 7-7-7-20 and my My Mobo wont let me set it to that (lowest settings are 6-6-6). I am overcloking the CPU with a multiplier of 15 on stock voltage and the Ram wasnt seen as 1066 so i set the Voltage to 2.05 and manually put it to 1066. Hope fully i was specific enough to get some help but if theres any tips or problems you guys see please let me know. I am actually thinking of getting new ram but if its OK I wont be. I did run OCCT and got a BSOD saying my drivers were bad but didnt make any sense. I recently downgraded from the 64bit OS to 32 and hopefully it will fix this issue.

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If OCCT is causing BSODs then it sounds like your OC is unstable. If you can't pass stability tests like OCCT or Prime95 then I think that's a pretty good explanation of why your games are crashing.


Try dialing down your OC to something more reasonable and see if you have the same problem. Maybe even drop it back down to stock and work your way up with better stability testing.

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If OCCT is causing BSODs then it sounds like your OC is unstable. If you can't pass stability tests like OCCT or Prime95 then I think that's a pretty good explanation of why your games are crashing.


Try dialing down your OC to something more reasonable and see if you have the same problem. Maybe even drop it back down to stock and work your way up with better stability testing.



thanks i will try setting it back to the stock setting and run the test over. should i wait the full hour to make sure its stable? or can is there a certain period of time that i can just assume its stable

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Most people don't even consider the 1 hour test to be enough. 24 hours is the most accepted test for "fully stable". I would definitely run it at least an hour, preferably much longer.

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Yeah whenever you OC always make sure everything is stable, as Verran said for your final stable OC you want to do a 24 or at the very least a 12 hour test...

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if your ram is only rated at 7-7-7-20 that doesnt sound like very good quality ram might be iterested in getting something better. Also remember to check out your ram volts. Also read up on overclocking reviews on your processor and see what other people have done to make it stable and that should give you a ballpark for multipliers and volts n whatnot.

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if your ram is only rated at 7-7-7-20 that doesnt sound like very good quality ram might be iterested in getting something better. Also remember to check out your ram volts. Also read up on overclocking reviews on your processor and see what other people have done to make it stable and that should give you a ballpark for multipliers and volts n whatnot.



yea this RAM really does suck. its rated for 1066 2v but when i set it for that (my bios only sees it at 800) and i run the OCCT is when i get the BSOD. im planning on getting something with low voltage and 5-5-5-15 timing. like the OCZ Blade series. right now im running a stable 2.9ghz with a 14.5x gonna play with the freq and see if i can get it to a stable 3 and run the occt for 24 hours. thanks for all the help guys. i swear this overclocking thing os so addicting

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