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how to overclick ur ram

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Hello, i want to know how do i overclock my ram?


i downloaded memSet and i have idea how to oc it. if someone can explain me the theory of overclocking ur ram that would be great.


PS:how to overClock ur ram*



Edited by alentor

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if your going to OC anything really it should be done through bios firstly.


theory wise, the ram frequency for any ddr+ module is: bus speed x 2.

that is provided a memory divider of 1:1 is used, say the bus speed is 267mhz like yours your ram would be running as 533mhz.

the use of a divider can alter this in the same way as scale in say a map where 1:1 would be 1 of what ever unit means one and 1:2 mean double that.

there is a tad more to it but I'm not sure what words to use to explain it.


if anyone contests this theory it is what lessens i got straight from Cyb3rGlitches OC tutorial.

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I just wanted to say that that is the messiest desktop I have ever seen lol. As for overclocking your ram, what Nekroze said. Sorry, I don't really know much about the timings or what the command rate does. I just know that generally, lower timings are quicker, but I really don't think they matter too much. Anyone else?

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I just wanted to say that that is the messiest desktop I have ever seen lol. As for overclocking your ram, what Nekroze said. Sorry, I don't really know much about the timings or what the command rate does. I just know that generally, lower timings are quicker, but I really don't think they matter too much. Anyone else?



Well check it out....yes your RAM frequency goes up with your cpus though heres the deal....Looser timings will allow you to push you cpu more....some people like to get more out of there system that way...tighter timings will make the ram work faster but limit your cpus performance....the trick is to find the sweet spot in between...remember you dont want 1 piece of hardware overworking...you want equal distribution...what are your stock timings? Voltage?

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