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Help with OC E5200


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I have a E5200 M0 revision with a arctic cooling freezer 7 pro, 4x1gb ddr2 667, 9600gt 512mb on an asrock twin1600 P43 motherboard thats fairly oc friendly with a Antec trio 550watt PS. Everytime i oc the E5200 to 3.6 or higher i get a fatal error on one of the core with prime95, i have the Vcore set to 1.418 any higher and the mobo marks them in red and i don't know if i should try them. I've tried lower FSB high Multiplier and the opposite but it still gives me the error 3.6 and beyond. Is it the Vcore the needs to be raised and what is the risk going into the red. I prefer to atleast have the FSB at 333 for a 1:1 ratio and with a 12.5 multiplier i can still get high speed. Currently i'm at 333x10.5 without any errors or problems...

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try 300 at 12.5, or you could try 319 at 11.5, which is what i use. I wouldnt go with a higher voltage than 1.4 with a AC 7, it's a decent cooler but it's not really meant for that kind of voltage. what are your temps at your current speed?

Edited by TheHippi

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I did also try an e5200,but your voltages seem pretty high i did 4ghz(400x10) with 1.375V,you should not go over 1.45 if you dont want to affect lifespan or fry it.You can still choose red numbers,they are just not recommended and i think they should not be needed for a wolfdale on air.Your Temps?Also did you cranked up the NB voltage and other voltages or are they AUTO?

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I have it at 335x10.5 Volt1.4 no errors in prime95, CPU core temps don't go above 52C and CPU temp was still below 40C. I want to atleast keep a 333FSB if not higher so i can keep my 1:1 ratio, the memory is linked to fsb and i can't unlink on this motherboard. I did a quick test and having it at 3.6+ i need a volt of atleast 1.4375 to not get errors in prime95 but i don't wish to fry the chip/motherboard.

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My only advice for you would be to try better memory or maybe get a better heatsink. you might be able to change the north bridge voltages or something, but you'll have to get someone thats a lot more skilled than me for that. you may just have a chip that doesn't like a high FSB. e5200s have that problem sometimes.

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1.4 in bios CPUz reads 1.368 Everest reads 1.37. It's doesn't seem to be a matter of high FSB cause i've lowered it with higher multiplier to compensate but anything 3.6+ gives me this problem but it's just Prime95 or orthos with large FFT test that gives the error superpi and everything else runs fine so i don't know if maybe they are wrong or the it's really not stable that speed or higher. But it could be my motherboard thats just not liking me go that far...

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try raising your memory voltage, but don't go over 2.1.

Depends on what memory you have got,Some are rated for 1.8 others for 2.1.Raising voltage on memory is all about proper cooling my reapers take 2.3 volts easy,no sweat.

What memory have you got traft?Also crank up the SB,NB volts just 1 or 2 steps first.And maybe VTT a bit.

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Depends on what memory you have got,Some are rated for 1.8 others for 2.1.Raising voltage on memory is all about proper cooling my reapers take 2.3 volts easy,no sweat.

What memory have you got traft?Also crank up the SB,NB volts just 1 or 2 steps first.And maybe VTT a bit.

i was just saying 2.1 as a general rule. unless you have good heatsinks you can completely fry them over 2.1

Edited by TheHippi

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My memory are cheap stuff two PQI and two Crucial with no heatsinks. Volt i have are CPU 1.38750 DRAM 1.9 VTT Middle NB Middle GTLRef 0.63vtt PLL Low. I've tried raising the NB to High and didn't help with anything, higher memory volt it won't boot up besides i'm not oc the memory they are 667 otherwise 333fsb so i still have multiplier to raise but unless i raise volt into the red zone i can't get rid of that error when 3.6+, i'm only at 10.5 out of the 12.5 multiplier.

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