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EVGA x58 and new SZ27 BIOS help??

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I was Just wondering if anyone with this board had tried out the new clock skew feature and if they had any success with making overclocks more stable? I have been on evga's forums and didn't get any help so I am now turning to you guys? Anyone have any idea where to start with this new feature?

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I'll update mine this weekend and see what I can get out of it ;)


Thanks.. Ive been playn around with it for a little while and I cant see any difference so far... But I don't even know where this feature would start to make a noticeable effect.

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Because of such things as physical design and temperature, clock signals arrive at the various components at slightly different times. The higher the frequency the less the margin of error. Clock skew adjustments allow the signals to be adjusted to remain within this shrinking window. Unless the BIOS suffers from shoddy programming or the board is less then optimally designed clock skew adjustments shouldn't be necessary within the range of normal overclocking.

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The i7 and the X58 don't benefit from "Clock Skew". There is a certain school of thought that thinks it may well make things more unstable in the long run.


EVGA made it available just to see if anyone found it useful. In other words, you are guinee pigs. If you read the "Classified" threads at the EVGA forum you will see what i mean.

Edited by kitfit1

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