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GA-EP45-UD3P Overclocking


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Tried one stick at a a time, same thing. I have no idea where to go from here :S


This might sound a little bit crazy... but... have you tried setting mch voltage to 1.05V?


I have ep45-ud3p, Q6600 and 4x1GB OCZ Reaper HPC 1200mhz in another rig and the only way for the ram to work over 800mhz(which was with profile2 selected) was setting mch voltage to 1.05V.

And also in bios, 2.1V for the dram voltage isn't 2.1V later in windows... I get 2.080V in windows from 2.12V in bios.

Also... I'd suggest for the time being set all timings to auto until you have cpu clock stable.




I know its not the same cpu... but... you can see here the mch voltage.


And here you can see the timings and my currently stable ram speed:




Good luck mate. :)

Edited by ays

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If I can suggest something... hit the max cpu speed you want(4.4ghz) with lowest(2.0B) multipler for the ram and then start setting up the ram's timings.

It appears that OCZ Reaper prefers, actually, accepts only 1.05V as mch voltage...

And from my experience... even past 400mhz fsb... reaper works best with B multiplier set(2.0, 2.4, 3.2, 4.0)

Oh and btw... pay attention to actual voltage you get in windows(everest, cpuz or hwmonitor) and, et6 do tend to display correct voltage values... so you dont have to take a pic or write real values from bios directly... which makes life a little bit easier.

memset for the timings...


Good luck and have fun. :D


and yeah... you are welcome mate!

Edited by ays

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Okay well I tried for 4.2ghz now and it works but with a little tweaking. With 1.05 mch it wouldn't boot and with 1.1 mch it would fail prime95. So I tried 1.16 and so far so good. Also I will try the reapers with the B multi but the only one I found I could boot into windows with was the D setting. My actual voltage is 2.08 with 2.1 in bios. Thanks for all the help!

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I found that 4.4ghz will only work with 1.4375 vcore, which means I need at least 1.2 mch to get in windows, which wont work with the ram. I set my speed back to 4.2ghz and used the B ram timing with the 2.4 setting. So right now my ram is at 1121mhz and the cpu at 4204mhz. I had to use 1.16 mch and 2.24 vdimm. I'm testing in prime95 right now and it is smooth so far. I'll reply after if it works out.

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Prime95 went through 2 loops and then I stopped it. 2 loops is good enough for me, and everything seems totally stable, no hiccups to speak of. The cpu at 4.2ghz and the ram at 1121mhz makes a huge difference in performance it's really unbelievable. My PC is blazing fast in load times now and I open up programs so much faster. Thanks ays for all your help! I'm pretty sure I'd still be sitting here in the BIOS if it wasn't for you. Thanks bud! :)

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Thats great mate! I'm glad I could help ya.

I was having really,really though times with ocz reaper so when I saw your thread... I had to help, in any way.

I think that 4.2GHz for cpu and 1121mhz for ram are already extremely good performance and results...

if you want to tweak a bit more... I'd suggest trying at first the timings.

Perhaps even the boards settings like Turbo or Extreme. Of course both Turbo and Extreme(especially) need more voltage for the ram.


Anything else... well... you ought to try super pi and see then your results for 1M calculation and compare it to the "records" which you can find it here... just leave pc in idle for 5-10 minutes before you do the pi calculation in order to get best results.


Of course, dont take those calculations speed for something extraordinary... the most important thing is that you are satisfied with the speeds and behavior of your rig.

Thats all.


Oh and btw... you ought to monitor temps for your rig, especially for the cpu and mobo: CoreTemp, RealTemp, Everest... any of these will do.


Take care mate. :)

Edited by ays

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